Typically great reporting here by Mediazona. Besides a fascinating human drama, this report on a Russian pacifist who served two years, bouncing from medical services to basement prisons, ends with a crazy revelation that Russian commanders list their men as MIA before ordering them into battle in a scheme to win medals for "zero-casualty assaults." https://meduza.io/en/feature/2024/11/27/pay-up-and-keep-living
They like to hang out in the cat carrier. (They don't want to miss their flight.) #CatsOfMastodon #cutcats #cats #catsofthefediverse
Our cat hoards pens, and this is what I found in his toybox today 🙄
The clicky one in the middle is his favourite, and I've been looking for that #StarTrek pen for ages!!
#catsofmastodon #Kitten Oha, Homeoffice und Babykatze, die Produktivität sinkt ins Bodenlose 🫣 aber kann man so etwas niedliches einfach so missachten? 🫠
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