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m0xEE boosted

PSA for Android users: Uninstall Simple Mobile Tools apps!

The developer of Simple Mobile Tools, an Android app suite which has been historically well respected in the FOSS space, has sold their apps to a company called ZipoApps, a company that buys apps from independent developers to add advertisements and trackers to them. I highly suggest uninstalling any of the Simple Mobile Tools apps you have on your device and looking for alternatives.


m0xEE boosted

🇷🇺 🇫🇮 The Insider uncovered that the surge of refugees isn't just happening with knowledge but is entirely under the control of Russian security forces.

🇵🇱 🇧🇾 Furthermore, there is confirmation that the crisis at the Finnish border is orchestrated by the same entities responsible for the crisis on the Poland-Belarus border.

#russia #finland

Sometimes they look so peaceful…
Don't let that deceive you! 😼

m0xEE boosted

It's year 2023, 2024 is right behind the corner. I finally learn what REPL abbreviation stands for 😂
It's what I see quite often, but I never cared enough to look it up.

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m0xEE boosted

The lord of the manor says that you can keep all your December 24 & 25 flummery – the only thing he’s really interested in is Boxing Day 😽


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My 500 MHz iBook G3. Recently got an Edimax USB Wi-Fi dongle for it which brought it back into modern times and along with its 4hr of battery life makes for a pretty nice laptop

m0xEE boosted
m2 is cool sure but bring back powerpc you fucking bitches
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m0xEE boosted

🔡 Font testers needed! 🔡

Just released a rework of the Arcticons font on GitHub. It includes lots of new glyphs for multiple languages.

It's still an alpha version with many errors, but feedback is appreciated!

#typography #typedesign #typo #design #font #fontdesign

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m0xEE boosted

This is crazy. Over 6 years, popular YouTuber "Warthog Defense" built a pro-Ukrainian YouTube channel with 630,000 subscribers, and over night YouTube incorrectly deleted his channel for impersonation.

There is no trial, no appeal options, nothing — just an entire content creator career flushed down the drain, because the algorithm says so.

@anderspuck you might want to share this too.

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m0xEE boosted
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