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Can you see this nifty little garbage bin icon next to image.webp.enabled? This indicates that this preference isn't mandatory and can be deleted — sometimes this means that the it was added by the user manually, but not in this case — I know for sure that it was always there since it is how I *ALWAYS* kept WebP support disabled. Most of the time it means that this parameter was removed and no longer affects anything.
And you know what? It is the case — it has indeed been removed, here:
Yes, they have made what was optional before MANDATORY — for no reason. It's no longer up to you to disable it.

But the fun part is — look at the date this was submitted: it's the fifteenth of September! TWO DAYS after high-severity vulnerability in libwebp was registered. No shit, here it is:

Yes, it's exactly what it is — they have made it impossible for you to mitigate the quite possible vulnerabilities and put your fate in the hands of Google, making you dependent on them to fix their buggy shit. For no apparent reason!
My God, Mozilla, what the FUCK are you doing?! :marseyrage:

#Mozilla #Firefox #GoogleShit #WebP
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#7000 get!
Fedi isn't an imaginary board though.
How do I manage to post so much? I don't think I even shitpost a lot and I don't think I spend a lot of time on Fedi either 😅

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🇷🇺 🇺🇦 Analysts from the Bot Blocker project have uncovered a surge in bot activity spreading images with fake quotes from celebrities calling on Western countries to stop supporting Ukraine.

#russia #propaganda #disinformation #russiaukrainewar

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Lagrange has this nice feature of highlighting links when you hold the Alt/Option key, and you can press the number next to the link to follow it.
But only just now I have noticed that it uses letters too to… well "enumerate" them when there are more than ten links on the page — I think it's worthy of being reimplemented in Amfora, right now it just uses numbers from ten and up.

I know that Amfora is in maintenance mode and no, I'm not suggesting someone else to do it for me, I think I can do it myself — I actually have a lot of patches for software I use and which I never submit upstream :marseyemojismilemouthcoldsweat:

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It's not Caturday today, but worth the post! My husband was out running today in our local park and came across this big guy! I guess Sunday is RUNday lol.
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