In Russia 67 y.o. man was sentenced to 3 years in prison for making two anti-war comments. Police has killed his cat as "intimidation tactic" 😿
Blue lives matter my ass!
It looks like my last post on a proposal for a small web browser caught on. Thank you all!
Now, I encourage the community to discuss about the sanest HTML5 and CSS3 subset (sorry, no JavaScript) we can restrict ourselves to in order to achieve simple and privacy-conscious implementations.
I am also interested in the concept of identities as suggested by @aral . Could we please elaborate on this?
Read the proposal below:
Thus the uploaded file retains its original name 🤷
There's also the Dedupe filter — it updates the "path" field and doesn't care about "name" so it works.
Ironically, the only thing that checks the "name" field are tests, so from test's perspective the filter works just fine, neither the file name in the real file system, not the resulting URL are checked 😂
#Pleroma has AnonymizeFilename filter. Does anyone use it with Local uploader?
It doesn't seem to work for me. It updates the "name" field of "upload" struct, but that field is only used twice in the code: together with "id" it's assigned to "path" field, but that is done BEFORE upload filters are applied and later to fill the description field, which I don't care about.
As "path" field gets assigned before even running that filter, that is what is used to store the file in the file system.
I do my best to add image descriptions, this time I did it in my mind, but I was participating in another thread and I forgot to actually type it in 😹
By the time I realized that, several people already liked it and I decided not to delete and redraft. Anyway, this would be something like: "Lynx point Mekong bobtail cat lying on a similarly colored pillow with his front paws tucked under his body"
"NVIDIA Adds "Nyan Blaze" To Coreboot"
NVIDIA boards for chromebooks were named nyan_big and nyan_blaze?! For real? 😹
Oh! And last but not least — of course I have my Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade CDs — I think this is where my frog hobby actually came from. Digipak edition of their debut "Purple Onion" came with this nice small poster featuring (guess what?) frogs! I have never got it framed and now it looks somewhat worn so it's probably too late for that.
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.