
He's not a dog, but he's still such a good boy 😺

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I do my best to add image descriptions, this time I did it in my mind, but I was participating in another thread and I forgot to actually type it in 😹
By the time I realized that, several people already liked it and I decided not to delete and redraft. Anyway, this would be something like: "Lynx point Mekong bobtail cat lying on a similarly colored pillow with his front paws tucked under his body"

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@m0xee holy carp, mastodon v3.1.1 😳 (Feb 2020)

@annika Yeah, exactly! Him!
Doesn't have all the latest bells and whistles, but it gets the job done and I like the "oldskool" feel of it. I mean most of my computers are over a decade old, why would I be on an instance with the most recent version of software? I feel right at home here 🤣
The only issue I've run into that is at least of some concern to me is that I can't upload photos from Tusky — probably some APIs changed, but Husky and web client work fine so it's not that big.

@m0xee Is the admin attempting to backport security fixes? that would be my biggest worry

@annika I think they do, this is a company instance after all, I've even seen them take it down for maintenance a couple of times 🤷
Not the biggest of my concerns TBH, there are no DMs here and all posts are intentionally made public, login history? Living in Russia I'm always on VPN and I'm naturally paranoid (probably a real disorder), I'm sometimes reluctant to post my cats because something else might be in the picture and I always check screen reflections, names on screenshots and such 😅

@annika No, this instance uses Smilodon, heavily modified Masto 3.1.1 — it doesn't even have DMs.
Masto itself didn't support editing at that point AFAIK.
I have my own instance that I use e.g. to make longer posts, but it runs on an old PowerPC G4 MacMini with only a gigabyte of RAM, very weak hardware. I'm afraid to post cats from it — cats are popular and I think that the poor box might just explode and set my place on fire because of sudden influx of visitors 😂

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