Но сперва ведь нужно разработать и внедрить Единый Реестр Взяток — всего за какие-то 1,5 миллиарда рублей 😉
Is Google making preparations for the next stage of anti-trust? 🤔
The Linux Foundation spurred an initiative to bring together Chromium browser makers and supporters into a single group.
> How will this work? Kind of how Chromium has been working already. The group will have an open governance model, according to the Foundation, based on other Foundation initiatives based on "transparency, inclusivity, and community-driven development."
#technews #opensource #chrome #google #meta #opera #microsoft
Oh my, I'm really short on cats 🙀
Having only two doesn't seem enough for living in Russia!
@snacks @dagda
They do! If it's not something they can reach the obvious way, e.g. they keep track of mega on AeroWalk, but not red armour.
Q3 bots are actually also pretty good, AFAIK it was the same guy who make Omicron bots for original Quake who developed them and Omicron bots were innovative for the time — they weren't as good as e.g. Frog bots on popular maps, but they could build dynamic waypoints so they could play any map.
If that's the best *you* could do and only went only this far with your tech stack, what should the average person do — seeing you lumping smaller organisations together with true evil? "If the alternatives aren't much better then maybe Google isn't that bad?" — that would be their line of thinking, what good does this accomplish?
And yes, for stepping away from "big tech" Node is the worst pick — you aren't ceasing the means of production, Google remains at the helm!
Did he just… block me? 🤔 This is priceless coming from the one being outraged about his question being cut from the video — top-notch activism!
If we even call this "All or nothing! You aren't being radical enough!" approach activism. Did that "The Dems aren't any better than the GOP" thing go well? If you are allowing yourself the option to compromise — then everyone does!
God damn it, cannot believe this shit!
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.