E-e-ehm… But I did write a reply — probably even more wordy than it should've been 😅
I've replied quite some time ago, I think in a few minutes after seeing your post. Is it not propagating to your instance?
> do you know the movie "heavy metal"?
Is it about a girl living in a small town who wanted to burn the church down, but then got saved by the town priest? Or am I confusing it for another movie? 🤔
The dog is uncanny, the cat is more like… eerie 😱
Jesus Christ, the things you stumble upon on Amazon. 😱This is supposed to be a friendly dog plush. https://amzn.eu/d/04lM4Py
Indeed! Nowadays camera software often has dedicated "stargazing" mode of sorts, but when I've been playing with my Windows phone a few years ago, nothing like that existed yet and taking night sky photos was a real challenge.
Not at the moment, sorry.
I have a Matrix account of course, but I'm barely on there nowadays — the IMs seem to tiring for me, I grew to really appreciate the pace of Fedi.
Maybe later — right now I feel I won't be much fun, it would feel like we're exchanging emails 😂
Wow, new haircut! 😍
@bonifartius @newt
Nature isn't exactly the source I still trust and… yeah, exactly — the animal being infected doesn't imply the virus had natural origin.
> guEsS wE'LL nEvEr knOW
Well, the article claims that they are still studying the genetic material of those animals, so maybe we will 😜
I wish it was — 8 cores, 8 gigabytes of RAM!
Damn, this isn't episode 1, this is episode 10! How come they have mysterious transfer student and sakura petals this late in the show? 🤔
Rosy coloured — sakura detected!
A "mysterious" transfer student? 🤨
Сети и Путина 🤪
@ahltorp @davidbisset
> The door handle already seems impossible to turn.
Yeah, this is where I drew my "inspitation" from — it looks hard, but not quite impossible yet, nothing is perfect… ly dysfunctional 😂
We finally have snow here — there isn't lots of it though, and the forecast isn't "favourable", looks like it's going to melt again in 2-3 days 😅
But right now it's nice!
@bonifartius @newt
Sick animals suggest COVID pandemic started in Wuhan market: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-03968-0
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.