> Supposedly one day I am going to to edit this properly
Things you're planning to do but never quite get to it… Only to find it on some storage media a decade later and exclaim: "Wow, this is great!"
At least for me it's quite often like that 😅
Yep, I don't expect Rufus to go into more trouble than writing some values to a file. That's what got me surprised, I expected circumventing it to be more "hacky" 😅
Disabling TPM 2.0 requirement is THAT easy?! 😲
> how do you dislike limits and not have an issue with derivatives
Ha-ha-ha, good question! I think it's something irrational, hard to put into words — all three are related, but it's one of those cases when there is a gang of friends and you like one of them, can't stand the other two, but as they hang out together all the time, you have to tolerate them. Derivatives are my darlings, limits — can bear with them, integrals — eww, yuck! 🤭
Yeah, I forgot to mention it, PmOS definitely deserves to be there — no Phosh though, SXMO only! 😏
I'm not sure about the editors: both Vim and Emacs are Fedi's darlings, but yes — too mainstream, ed deserves a place, maybe acme too — but both lack logos. Acme has its own character though: https://merveilles.town/@prahou/113517144418021893
@j3rn @newt @prahou @ammoniumperchlorate
Don't worry, we're just poking at each other for fun, in a friendly manner!
On the other hand, this is a Unix Surrealism character, so it has to be something obscure, something that even us here don't use daily. I for one still use old PowerPC machines in a non-retro way, my Pleroma instance is hosted on one, so by my standards it has to something really… bizarre🤪
Да она никогда и не заканчивалась! 😩
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.