@theorytoe @DrRyanSkelton
Agreed! But using Times New Roman should still be criminally punishable — it kills our children and destroys ecosystems. It was discovered in the underground labs in Sibera and has been used to oppress the freedom-loving people all around the globe ever since! How long are we going to tolerate this, we have to stand up and fight 😡
Besides, computer screen resolutions have increased drastically, but sans serif fonts still dominate the UIs, modern printed manuals also use them and look really cool — doesn't give you the impression of being printed in the eighties.
@theorytoe @DrRyanSkelton
There used to be an explanation for this based on the fact that computer screens have lower resolution and that made serif fonts look ugly — I kid you not, that was the dominant theory about two decades ago. But I think that's bullshit of course — serifs appeared long before quality printing was even achievable, you kinda have to use them when you're using a chisel to carve letters in stone 🤷
@theorytoe @DrRyanSkelton
> work sans
But that's a sans serif font! Serifs are those decorative… spike thingies on letters — fonts that have them are serif fonts: ugly, bleh 🤮, don't like them. Those that don't have them are SANS serif — really neat, my love ❤️
CSS is great to slap over an already existing design and shape it more to your liking. It was originally a tool for that: interchangeable styles. You weren't supposed to do the whole site layout in it. What we have today is due to people using it wrong.
@theorytoe @DrRyanSkelton
And without the ugly serifed fonts — the most important part to me TBH
In any case, I think we should start the #NoCSS movement and abolish CSS 🤪
Exclusive: Workers at Google DeepMind Push Company to Drop Military Contracts: https://time.com/7013685/google-ai-deepmind-military-contracts-israel/
Hello there! You're working for a company the name of which is synonymous to surveillance, but "Oh noes, it's being used by Israel! It's against our principles!"— what a bunch of fucking hypocrites!
> David Fiala CEO & Founder at Teclada Inc | Former Google Security Leader
!mojeek David Fiala
Cocksucker Guide? 🤔
Yeah — that's what I thought too: it checks out! But no, it's an actual gay site — so it's "cock sucker" in a different sense. Kinda odd, ain't it?
In any case, Mojeek's results are very insightful 🤣
When you write a snarky comment, but ultimately decide against posting it because you realise that the one you're replying to might get genuinely offended by it…
Should I even be telling a PHP developer that it was never was supposed to be a programming language, but a HTML preprocessor that people started using wrong and apparently went too far with it?
Okay, let them find that out the hard way 😏
@kaia @mangeurdenuage
I mean when you have to state the intent in a non-roundabout way, and get rejected equally clearly. Oh, and all of this done in person! Can people still handle that, now that everything, including the romance, got so commotified? 🤔
> оказались перепутаны с лошадьми
Иными словами: «Смешались в кучу кони, люди, мечи, секиры, топоры»
А князь по-прежнему спокойно
Следит за битвою с горы 😅
Нет! Все кто угодно — кроме федиков 😏
@kaia @mangeurdenuage
Being retro-rejected is depressing 😭
@kadei how likely are you to recommend `ls` to a friend? ( ) 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) 5 ( ) 6 ( ) 7 ( ) 8 ( ) 9 ( ) 10
Does anyone want to hire me for sysadmin stuff like setting up webservers, services and such? That and/or Perl programming.
I had to pay lots of bills this month and I need some extra cash for the necessary stuff. Or a donation if you're feeling extra generous. I can do Paypal or Revolut or crypto. #mutualaid #getfedihired
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.