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@lain @kaia
I'm not familiar with these abbreviation and that made me think that this is a computer joke: something about timer interrupt handler not being able to sleep 🤪
OMG, am I the one who would be talking about the superiority of Arch Linux? 😱
To my defense I can add that I've never used Arch Linux 😏

@kirby @romin
And Python is turning into the same kind of shite BTW: new ways to do old things, deprecating things in one release, and not deprecating that again in the newer one, which is only month apart.
Same architecture support shenanigans, look at this:
"OMG, my machine broke, so we're lowering the architecture to Tier 3"
Python used to work everywhere, soon they will end up with Darwin on Apple silly cone, and x86_64 on Windows in Linux GLibC.

@kirby @romin
Then they are adding shit no one asks for — that doesn't enable you to do new things, but allows you to do the same things differently — and they are adding them for the sake of being different.
Look at the typical Go dev here:
OMG, there is a new way to do iterators, let me update my library to use that right now!
WTF?! I'm not playing this game!

@kirby @romin
They are deprecating old architectures just like that! Look at this for example:
It's literally:
— But PowerMac G5 is the most widely available ppc64 hardware, we can't deprecate that!
— Tehe, just ask IBM for newer hardware 😘
This isn't user's perspective, this is corporation's perspective — they don't give two fucks about the users.
Rust having much less resources has PowerPC support, community-driven Zig and Nim do, albeit a bit buggy. Go does not!

@kirby @romin
No, it's fine. I mean, of course it's recommended against — of course it's best to define the structures than to not define them — so if you feed it some weird input instead of what you expect, you'd realise it sooner than later.
I've never tried it, probably should work — why should it not, having reflection, it's trivial to implement.
In any case, I think I'm done with Go — I really like the language, but I don't like the direction it's heading under this governance.

Are they still telling you that it's a good thing because YouTube is a major time waster and that you could learn several new languages instead — preferrably while sitting in a trench where you got because you didn't watch all those nasty YouTube videos discrediting the second best army in the world 🤣

The only thing that irked me about Go is having to describe all the JSON data structures beforehand — to be able to parse them. Maybe there is a way around it or tools that facilitate this, but I didn't find it. Rust's serde_json for example doesn't make you do any of this.
But when you compare it to dynamically-typed languages' "true=false" type of situations, I think I'm fine even with this 🤣

And the kind of nationalists who are fond of Russian Empire (an absurd of its own as nation state is the direct opposite of empire, but there is such a crowd). They somehow attempt to marry the two, but the pieces don't really fit together. An attempt to build a national idea with this level of eclecticism feel truly grotesque 🤯


It's funny because just a few days ago I was bringing this exact establishment up:
It's as diabolical as it is… just weird — this whole blend of Soviet history and Orthodox Christianity.
They are targeting two reactionary demographics with this: those who are fond of USSR, not even socialists, more like local tankies.


m0xEE boosted

Water, bread, cereals, flour, & spices have gone missing from some Russian grocery store shelves. Recently redomiciled X5 Group attributes the supply chain problem to labor shortages caused by the recent (& escalating) mass deportation of migrant workers.

Hitler's cap being on display either in the "cathedral" itself or the museum nearby is also worth mentioning 🤭

m0xEE boosted

Ok so turns out up until today many people weren’t aware of this cartoon ass villain establishment known as Putin’s War Church

@Hyolobrika @david
How else an I supposed to get rid of them cobwebs?
Wait a minute… So that advice in the local newspaper was coming from… a spider?! 😲

@syzygy @Suiseiseki @hfaust
No, coreutils are just plump, these are Qt, systemd, Blink and Node.js

At least it's not web pee — that one's a horrible fetish, for those who are into things Google 😱

@xarvos @solidsanek
Correct! That is Zotac GTX 6090 Pro Snapdragon X Edition!

@Nightingalle @lain
I think this calls for more drastic technical measures: we have to remove the support for commenting from ActivityPub! As a community we can do it! 🤪

@eric @kirby
But, bro, virus' name is SMASH, you'd better no do what it tells you to, bro!

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