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@snacks @lain
Indeed! OpenSSH more lightweight, more portable and has fewer dependencies than Python does.

@cruiser @kevinrothrock
The main question is, what makes all these "negotiators" think that this time Russia would honour any agreements reached? Do they have any leverage to enforce the compliance if it doesn't? If they don't, it's just surrender and cessation of territory, and if they do, why don't they use it now to make the war stop?

m0xEE boosted

Thank you @catsu for the fun illustration!

Our cat would win gold in litterbox sand throwing. How about yours? #Cats #CatsOfMastodon #olympics2024

Rust 1.79 on my PowerPC MUSL machine fails to build the getrandom v0.2.15 crate with a segfault. Same with earlier versions down to 1.75, which builds it just fine, the difference being, the latter is built with LLVM15 and newer ones — with LLVM17. This gives us our main culprit.
It's truly appalling that LLVM keeps breaking a rather stale architecture so often 😩

m0xEE boosted

О, действительно традиционные ценности пошли — пустые полки!
Знал, что и до этого доживём!

@Inginsub @kirby
Don't worry, MS is already porting VSode to typewriters, they are waiting for Google to finish the mechanical implementation of Electron (it takes approximately two football stadiums of space and it takes five months for it to render Google's front page) 😂

W3C says Google's cookie climbdown 'undermines' a lot of work:
My dear naïve fellas, that "work" didn't go in vain: now Google has two tracking mechanisms in their arsenal instead of just one 😏

The world would turn into a much better place if all these people could get some sleep 😂
Damn, Node.js might've never appeared if people maintained a healthy sleep schedule 🤔

@kaia @silhouette
Why bother? Can't he become a billionaire naturally — by growing older 🙃

@luca @JordiGH
AFAIR git itself suggests such a structure when invoking the editor for you to type the message in.
This works great in mature projects with established codebases, not so much when you're playing around and keeping comits atomic would mean doing your best to refrain from touching the adjacent functions, making every trivial improvement 5-6 commits.
Some projects grow, but never transition to atomic commits, therefore commit messages remain… garbled 😅

@romin @dcc @kirby
I'm not even sure current XMPP clients implement OMEMO for group chats, so I assume we're talking one-on-one chats here 🤷

@romin @dcc @kirby
Yep, valid point! Same as different implementations might have deficiencies of their own — what I meant is that they are based on the same Double Ratchet.
Beside the point, OMEMO spec is pretty vague about multi-user rooms: it refers to a MUC-related XEP that doesn't mention OMEMO or ratchets at all.
As opposed to megolm spec which is rather thorough:

I get it, a lot of people had a warm and fuzzy feeling about XMPP because they were seeing these key exchange failure messages in Matrix client, but not in XMPP client and that made them assume that XMPP somehow just magically works — now that OMEMO is getting adopted, we can see that it's the same or worse — due to inconsistent client implementations.

No, it isn't. What could be worse than a protocol based on endless XML streams designed two decades ago by someone having zero experience with this and with hundreds of things slapped on top of it since then that no client implements in full and that never got widely adopted?

@kirby @dcc
In any case, I'm more worried about Element only working in latest Firefox now than this.
And XMPP… have been being MITMed for months without anyone noticing because clients simply don't check the fingerprints — that's just laughable!

@kirby @dcc
And I believe they have even fixed it now, it is possible to prevent interacting with the sessions that you haven't personally authorized, but you have to enable it for each room and for every session of yours individually — far from perfect solution, could've been better, probably this way to prevent breaking compatibility.

Leaking presence to the servers of participants of a multi-user room that I'm in is the thing I'm the least concerned about TBH, XMPP doesn't do it because the rooms aren't distributed and only exist on the server they were created on. A lot of people do not seem to understand this: XMPP doesn't have a more secure implementation of the feature — it simply doesn't have this feature at all.

Of course you can, just create two person room with encryption disabled! If they weren't created with encryption enabled by default, few would be using it and it would defeat the purpose.
And how is it less secure? It's literally the same algorithm.

It's a price to pay for proper encryption that works with multiple sessions🤷
XMPP crowd was making fun of Matrix for this, but that is just how Double Ratchet works — now it got implemented in popular XMPP clients and it turned out that it's even worse than it was in Matrix and before that it "just worked" simply because nothing was encrypted.

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