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SmartTV with Termux will cover all your computing needs. And you can connect external hard drives to them via USB 🤪

m0xEE boosted

Why the fuck does require JS and refuses to show any content at all without it?
Requiring a full browser with JS support just to view info on modules is even worse than Go giving you URLs in help messages — it was bad enough, but this… is simply unacceptable! 😩

m0xEE boosted

AGGRRESSION(x) printf("Fucking %s!\nA-a-argh 😡!!!\n", x);

@Zucca @annika
Not ever! Implementing comments was a mistake, what kind of sick bastard came up with such an abominable idea in the first place? 😜

Will I get a purple checkmark with that?

Пора вводить пометку «Это партнёрский материал» 😂


@lispi314 @dysfun @vyivel
Get yourself a pair of high impedance headphones, it's unreasonable to use HD590 with my Android phone at anything, but the highest volume setting — I doubt I can get hearing injury like that even if I try really hard 🤣

I don't think that's a subcultural trait — most people are "meh" in general 😏

This Butcher? His shop is usually out of every single thing in the book 😆

I believe other occupations aren't exactly about having fun with friends either — maybe dying alone is the point of this society after all 😢

Software engineering is the epitome of being in a society — all the bad things you can find in the human society you can find in software engineering tenfold 😩

Would it be at all possible for you to get reintegrated back into society after such an endeavour? 🤔

Yep, one Fediverse user claimed the intention to remain offline for about a week, and yet not a day has passed and here they are 😏

Kissing is fun and all… 🥰
But how do I get rid of his surveillance devices? 🤓

@Hyolobrika @moffintosh
No idea, most probably a WW2-era trophy from some museum, why did they put that thing on display in the cathedral — who the fuck knows? 🤯
From what I know — this is perceived as weird even by the most devout "patriots".
The Wikipedia article mentions this in the "Controversies" section:

@Hyolobrika @moffintosh
My point was that it's not "preserving Chrisitanity" in the slightest, it's obvious they have a religion of their own and it's rather exploiting Christianity.
I know a few people who are Orthodox and who have been there inside that cathedral and did not feel comfortable — the atmosphere is gloomy-oppessive.
It's truly perverse how they attempt to incorporate elements of Soviet history, Christian aesthetics (but not essence!) and present that as traditional values.

@Hyolobrika @moffintosh
He did, but he backed down on it in the wake of WW2! There he is depicted on a fresco dedicated to WW2 on flags only — still controversial, but TBH not as bad as it could be 😅
To me the depiction of officials, many of whom still occupy their offices, and events from less than a decade ago as historical seems way more controversial, same as the idea of temple of war itself.
They also keep Hitler's hat either in the cathedral itself or in the museum nearby 🤦

Meanwhile in software development land: let's drop support for everything but x86_64 and ARM64 — I'm not using anything else and this means no one does! 🤪

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