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Лучше он с тех пор не стал — и всё так же стоит в ангаре… Но теперь туда поставили самолёт! 😆

We can never rule that out, but it's highly unlikely 🤣

People forget to clean up all the time! And shit makes it into repos and sometimes even into production images as in your case.
This client was featured just yesterday on "This week in Fedi" and I'm not familiar with the whole Node.js ecosystem, but it seems to me that this is still just a log file that should have been added to .gitignore from the get go and thus never make it into the repo:

Stop wasting taxpayers' money and succumb to foot fetish right now! 😤

@menherahair @theorytoe
Only in the evening I realised that this clusterfuck didn't even happen on weekend, it was Friday!
Those relying on that infrastructure have to be completely destroyed today — so many vacations cancelled 😱
It's good to be unemployed 😎

m0xEE boosted
I think a lot of you really underestimate how little the technical merit of software has anything to do with what businesses use in their tech stacks. we SHOULD be using some minimal turbo-autism embedded OS for a lot of the things that Crowdstrike brought down -- you know critical infrastructure stuff like fucking banks and hospitals -- but everything uses Windows because the people who are in charge of these things usually are also completely tech illiterate. they just choose Windows because it's the safe option and the industry standard and everyone else already uses it and they can't get sued for regulatory security compliance shit if they just use what everyone else is using. this of course circular reasoning that goes back to Microsoft's predatory business practices that got them where they are today, but this also describes LITERALLY EVERY "industry standard" in tech.

it only makes it all the more hilarious too how techbros are some of the most likely people to believe in meritocracy when the tech industry is easily the best refutation in existence of the idea that we've built a civilization that rewards merit. quite the fucking contrary.

so there you go, thats why fucking Windows runs most of our civilization's computing infrastructure, because power is inversely correlated to competence in this hellworld.

@tennoseremel @neural_meduza

— На фоне проводимой демографической политики, не следует забывать и про клонирование свиньи…
— Простите, может «планирование семьи»?
— Нет!

Handling this whole situation like a real niche Internet microcelebrity would 😏

@Ragashingo @daringfireball
I think we should extrapolate that to not using anything Google 😜

m0xEE boosted

I posted this a few years ago on Twitter, but perhaps today is an opportune time to post again here:

Any sufficiently advanced "endpoint protection" software is indistinguishable from malware.

(Adding: Has the potential to cause global outages.)

m0xEE boosted

BREAKING: Crowdstrike CEO says customers remain "fully protected", cyber experts note that computers which don't boot are usually extremely secure against remote threats

BTW Mac Pro and PowerMac G5 are both undeniably workstations, but they run the same UNIX-like Mac OS X as every other mac did in their time, but it doesn't make every mac a workstation. Same way, calling HP's Z-series workstation running Windows a PC would just feel weird.

@cy @0xabad1dea

To me it still is that way, I consider ECC RAM mandatory and SMP-capable CPU os opposed to commodity one — no matter how many cores it has.
As for software, NT 3.51 came in Server and Workstation editions — and I don't remember anyone minding that naming even in the mid-nineties, they have revived it as separate Workstation edition of Windows 10.
The term UNIX workstation sure exists, but it was always denoted — just like you did, but never implied.

@cy @0xabad1dea

I don't remember it ever being about the OS — or software in general for that matter. At some point it was about RISC, but it became less relevant as Intel CPUs caught up in terms of performance and gained SMP capabilities. It was always more about field of application and hardware having greater performance and reliability, but that was still supposed to be operated by a single user — as opposed to servers.

@cy @0xabad1dea

@menherahair @theorytoe

They have incoming connections from Israeli IP-addresses blocked BTW. I think 🤔

What exactly do you expect me to find there that would exclude Windows machines "by definition"?
The article states that the term is loosely-defined and this: "However, by the early 2000s, this difference largely disappeared, since workstations use highly commoditized hardware dominated by large PC vendors, such as Dell, Hewlett-Packard, and Fujitsu, selling x86-64 systems running Windows or Linux"

@cy @0xabad1dea

Pretty much like Hitler thing, but arriving at that parking lot to provide one of the parties with a baseball bat:
And knowing me, it's not hard to figure out which one 😈

@visone @0xabad1dea
When disconnecting from the network wasn't enough and you had to go for something more radical 😂
Not being able to boot is quite an innovative approach — I doubt they have invented it themselves, they've probably picked that idea from the vncviewer account from around here 😏

@fedops @cy @0xabad1dea
Why not? My vintage Mac Pro is running Windows now and it has dual Xeon, ECC RAM, all that shit…
Well, maybe there is a different definition of workstation that I'm not aware of 🤔

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