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@hj @kaia
Apparently some still believe that solving problems is a matter of "good guys" "winning" — staying blind to the fact that democracy isn't that and that beloved leader becomes cruel dictator overnight when left unchallenged and without competition, same as "do no evil" company becomes a "only do evil" one as soon as it asserts market dominance 😩

And why did they steal the Nintendo logo for their button design? Are we playing some game? 😂

@newt @kaia
Yes, but it's not like she comes from around the corner and is like "Oh, wow! Let's go!!!",— you at least have to somehow meet each other and have the opportunity to talk, but how is that supposed to happen if you have a vastly different… habitat.
Although I can see how that might happen if you're travelling a lot… 🤔

Yes, there is a universal extractor, that just picks whatever looks like an audio/video stream, but take a look in /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/yt_dlp/extractor/
In a lot of cases it doesn't even do the scraping and uses "official" APIs, but presents them as a class, so they have a unified interface — they are often poorly documented, but these are the same APIs that their respective "apps" use.

@metallcorn @iron_bug
Более того, пару-тройку месяцев назад, они начали корпоративным клиентам из России, которые пользовались облачными сервисами, отказывать в обслуживании — подозреваю, что причина удивительной отказоустойчивости именно в этом 😆

@newt @kaia
How do you even get acquainted with a rural girl? 🤔

It sure is — because some has already put work into writing an extractor for yt-dlp so you can use it via a unified and streamlined interface 🤭
When you're using the API directly, doing that is up to you.

> многофункциональные
Можно есть, а можно не есть? 😉
Ну это на бумаге! А в реальности: «Жри что дают!»

Настоящая бы наверное постеснялась такое писать, больше похоже на партнёрский материал Telegram-канала Медведев 40⁰ 😂

m0xEE boosted

Quick, everyone, use the same tech by the same huge corporations… what could possibly go wrong?

#BigTech #TooBigWillFail #centralisation

Sorry, I can't send you that email — I'm security-hardening my computer with a jackhammer right now 😅

m0xEE boosted

Anyone out there a native Lithuanian speaker? We added a new English to Lithuanian model in Firefox Nightly, and it's just under our quality metric for release. We may be able to still release it if we get some native speakers telling us that it's good enough. (boosting appreciated).

The most disappointing thing about computers is that in absolute most cases things that have the word "hash" in them have nothing to do with hashish 😳

@hj @kaia @lain
Hey, she's not even broken by Fedi standards — considering that moose head is just attached to a wall, not being worn by her 🤪
Or is it a deer? 🤔

@kaia @romin
As in being attractive, having a fever or being actively discussed? 🤔

m0xEE boosted

It's not bad at all! You can even configure what to use varable pressure for on your Wacom tablet — and it had that seemingly forever. It's just that… I think you're right — few are willing to configure it to suit their needs 🤷

I've even seen someone with systemd in their name recently — absolute blasphemy! 🙊

В свете вот этого — конечно!

А если своим ходом — то пожалуйста! Есть вроде даже госпрограммы, этому способствующие 😏

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