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Пополам за ногу, как Румпельштильцхен? Нет уж, я пока не готов 😅

Wow, turns out I didn't have to do any of this myself and there is a way to make ureq work exactly the same way Go standard facilities for HTTP requests do: this crate has "proxy_from_env" feature 👍

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m0xEE boosted

I did this a couple of times — and I'm not doing this again ever! People like this are often used to unhealthy relationships and if you do that, they develop the same unhealthy attachment to you, thinking that if you got involved they are somehow special to you — which is simply not true, your intention was to help them stop spiralling further down, nothing more.

Yes, it's indeed sad… Sometimes there is a way out and there are even people who wish you well, however, help like this requires more direct involvement, but no one who cares enough to actually be willing to invest their time and effort.

@kaia @atom
Then you have to find a semi-valid reason to cancel Boogie, gain the upper hand and turn his fans against him, eventually driving him to suicide, proceed with destroying his legacy, making his family and loved ones ashamed of being associated with him 😈

@pomstan@срёт.онлайн @romin @hakui
My thoughts exactly! It's not perfect (Why would it be?), but it's much better than you'd normally expect, it's obvious they've put effort into it.

As an avid sports non-enjoyer, I'm quite happy they are ignoring the whole thing this time — what saddens me is that they are likely to be pushing something else to switch people's attention away. Will they double down on making up imaginary successes on the frontline? 😩

@kirby @teto
> full on kernel mods to add missing syscalls
Can I run Firefox 130 on my trusty Windows 2000 machine then? 🤩

@hakui @romin
The characters aren't repulsive either — they are cute and quite charismatic, I dropped it because it's still a cheesy romantic comedy and such shows usually start feeling forced beyond the exposition, once the characters are established 🤷

@hakui @romin
As a Russian, I can't say that things such as accent are particularly off-putting in this show, in fact, I think it's better than it could be, source material raises more question, e.g. I don't see Alisa shortened to Alya often, Alya is usually Alina.

@Pchela121 @rayslava
И ничего не тормозуха, а самый обычный вермут — разливной из бочки на колёсиках 🥴

@newt I hate both even as a pedestrian 😅

Damn, I decided to drop this show, but every time I see your screenshots of it, I'm doubting my resolve and think of picking it up again

m0xEE boosted

Should I apply? 😈
No, I don't think they'd deem this amount of violent thoughts acceptable — were I ever be covering things Google, there sure'd be plenty 😇

@ThatCrazyDude True — different kinds are more common in different parts of the world, the one we have here is purple-ish even 🤪

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