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Yeah, your wording confused me a bit:
> Itanium, which was Alpha's replacement. VLIW is a truly cursed technology
One might think that Itanium was somehow a successor to AXP in a way that it's the continuation of same ideas/design, which it wasn't 🤷

AGGRRESSION(x) printf("Fucking %s!\nA-a-argh 😡!!!\n", x);

В Бурятии более 100 тысяч человек остались без электричества из-за аварии на Гусиноозерской ГРЭС 

> You don't know what version of Chrome you're using right now. You don't care.
But I do care and I do know: I use no version of Chrome 🤭

m0xEE boosted

He likes grunge, but Mark Lanegan is already dead and he thought that going out with Eddie Vedder would be too much 🤪

…and when in addition to having to listen to the same shit again and again
you have to listen to constant fan noise, it's usually driving me insane 🤪
You're right, the computers got even more powerful, so it's probably not that bad now, but I have my doubts — with audio the nature of workload is different, even if you're using only 30% of your CPU's computing power, it's still constant and the fans would kick in sooner or later and never go out 🤷

Not that they are lacking in terms of raw computing power, you could do mixing of a rather complex project even on the early i7 easily, it's more about lacking efficient cooling — unlike photo and even video processing, when you do something that requires relatively little computing power and then start rendering — this is when the fans kick in, but you no longer care, with audio the workload is constant…

Fair, but this thing is two decades old already.
Personally, I've never seen the point in using sampling rates higher than 48 kHz on these mobile interfaces — when you really need that you would probably be at the studio anyway, using a better interface with better mic pre-amps instead of ones integrated into these — and a better computer instead of a laptop which would probably be struggling working with the project at higher sample rates and making noises.

Mine already has a cheapo bass (I hate guitars) and microphone plugged into it — so that problem is already solved 😁

What can I say… Enjoy? 🤔
My olde FW410 has the same set of features, doesn't even have USB, and also still somehow works. I think it was one of the early cards in this form-factor, together with Digidesign Mbox 2, that later got very popular.
And the fact that it uses Firewire allows it to support 96 kHz on all inputs and outputs and up to 192 kHz when only using stereo.
And allowed it to even in the early 2000s when no USB card could afford it 😎

Exactly! A great place to hang out, not so much to promote your stuff — there are those who succeed because their stuff is niche to begin with and Fedi crowd is perfect for it.
Some think that promotion is just bad, but are you a bad person if you're an independent artist and you want people to learn of your existence? I don't think so. Besides, social media with greater audience might do a better job and you at least have to maintain presence there too.

There are models that have huge batteries, I'm pretty sure some even have replaceable ones — problem is, they are usually niche and there is no community to make good custom ROMs for you, some might not even have unlockable bootloaders.
And for me having to use stock ROM is a greater deal breaker than non-replaceable battery or having to use dongle for headphones.

@McMongoose @Pawlicker @Forestofenchantment @Hyperhidrosis

@kaia @szescstopni
Any peace with Russia isn't sustainable — Putin can't offer economic prosperity, the only way Russia can exist with him keeping his position is in the permanent state of war, or as besieged fortress at least. Orbahn knows this, but there are a lots of those who love "just stop shooting" stance and think that this is what stops wars — so he keeps selling this, this makes him look more significant than he is.

m0xEE boosted

Raccoons are trying to break into Cybertrucks, and there's some speculation that this is happening because the raccoons are literally confusing them with dumpsters

@Hyperhidrosis @McMongoose @Pawlicker @susie @Forestofenchantment
Don't they come with a dongle included though? I'm not sure how it works though, if it uses some special wiring or if it's a tiny USB DAC.

Windows + P displays a menu from which you can select Display 1, Display 2, mirror 1=2, or Extend — use both.
But you can keep pressing Win + P and it will start switching these options.
You can also do this from a script, your System32 should contain this tiny utility DisplaySwitch.exe — you can e.g. run it with "/Internal" to use only primary display display.

m0xEE boosted
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