@iska I can even use the domain name, my router just resolves my domains to local addresses 🤷
It does cause a few downsides, but I think it's because my setup is pretty complex, e.g. my web proxy doesn't use router for name resolution, but I have worked them around by updating the line in proxy server's hosts file from a cron job.
Aren't both Forth and LISP /g/'s darlings? At least I think this is where half the SICP memes come from 🤔
And when I say "meme-something" it doesn't inherently mean that it's bad — it's just that people use it more often in conversation than in practice. (Have anyone using "Freudian slip" ever read a page of Freud?)
In a lot of cases it means that it's something impractical — but again, not necessarily.
@GalacticJew @metallcorn
Мне кажется, что это закономерно: если технологию пихают везде, куда ни попадя, возникает масса примеров «достойного» применения 😅
С другой стороны, если этого не происходит, она остаётся узкоспециализированной и в тех ситуациях, когда она могла бы реально сиять, никто толком не знает как это сделать — иногда это просто и в голову никому не приходит.
Basset hound? 🤔
I've never owned one, but they look funky and they seem to fit the bill: they are neither too big, nor small enough to cuddle with.
OMG, I think I had it on floppies too, but mine had black on while labels 😄
@GalacticJew @metallcorn
Картинка допускает и такую интерпретацию — то есть это можно использовать и по назначению: бриться например — но внедрено это почему-то в жопу 😂
Yes, that would be interesting to investigate, but as it already is, it's obvious there is some sort of state actor involved. One might spend such a sum on luxuries, but when it's something that might have impact, but doesn't have obvious returns, it's psychologically very hard to justify. If I had say 50 mil and I considered free speech the highest value and Assange was my hero, I still won't do it 🤷
If I have much more than that, I'm already affiliated with one state or the other.
Looks like his first RT payment already came through 😏
Passed failed 🤪
@oku_yama_old @DwarfX @neural_meduza
Российская экономика достойно справляется со всеми санкционными вызовами — объясняем на еде по карточкам 😅
Тот храм Войны — надо каждому всаднику по храму влепить, я считаю, вот тогда заживём! 🤪
@meduza_unshackled Как раз на днях вспоминал этого типа. При том, что это был скорее такой рап-рок бойзбенд и я никогда большим фанатом их музыки не был, удивительно, но я даже помнил его имя.
This is one golden comment on #Assange from Aleksandar Djokic, a political scientist often writing for Bloomberg:
I have to say I’m pleased with the Assange outcome. He should be free so he can start to openly shill for Moscow and Beijing together with Snowden. Why turn such people into martyrs, better for them to unmask themselves. I give him a month before he has his own show on RT.
@neural_meduza Их тоже высылать лейтенанту Кириллу Гонтаренко?
@icon_of_computational_sin TBF I find what's on the left even more confusing than what's on the right. But you know me, I hate both: scheme and lisp, so luckily, I have no say in this.
Every girl in the privileged or the oppressed class? 🤭
Well, they have at least automated this now, they used to hire real people for literal pennies to do this job 🤔
Oops. Looks like war criminal Putin forgot to pay the bills for his pro-Trump bot farm.
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.