@gemlog Does your instance make your old posts inaccessible, I wanted to reply to your post about how much more Russians have to pay, but it seems I'm not able to find it anymore 🤔
Anyway… At least Russians don't have to suffer from something as horrible as Justin Trudeau regime. I'm serious, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the state that introduces forced draft unironically calls what you have in Canada a regime 🤣
Alternative reality where Eyedea didn't die of accidental overdose. And that had enough impact for Chris Cornell to not kill himself, and that, in turn, made Chester not kill himself. So war never happened. Isn't that how entropy works?
I wonder what music he'd be into if he lived today. Well, yeah, some lyrics do sound immature, but this man didn't even live long enough to be in hist thirties. A perfect example of very talented and deeply troubled mind.
I didn't watch anime for a long time. Found this show while ramfomly browsing something else yesterday and it looks entertaining. Apart from a few fuckups like this girl suddenly changing clothes mid-scene (yeah, like cut — and she wears her school uniform instead of clothes she wore before 🤪) and a few weird plot turns, the start is good. Did they really fuck it up halfway through?
Watching The Matrix for the first time in my life. I see this very specific tint of green and think that something is wrong with the metadata, like wrong colorspace… You know it sometimes happens and everything gets purple and pale green.
It took me trying four different devices to play this video and realize… It was supposed to be like this! Damn! 🤣
Do they really place keys on top edge of the trackpad these days in most laptops? When did that happen? 🤯
How do I perform dragging with one hand on that? I thought I stopped "getting it" when they placed the headphone jack on the bottom edge of smartphone, but this… I think I'm going to keep using the laptops I have now for a while…
My conquest in pursuit of making Android 12 pull-down thing look less like a knock-off Simple-Dimple toy is almost complete. Some things are still bad about this system, but at least it's bearable to look at now and I'm not using OS build from two years ago, it was poor from security perspective.
I made it tone down on the roundness and brought back transparency and blurs. Thanks to the excellent Iconify customization app and its developer. Some of this stuff is not even in the stable build yet.
I've found proper screwdrivers and brought my Late 2011 MacBook Pro back from the dead. It's a nice laptop actually with quad-core Core i7 and 16 gigs of RAM. The battery even has 70% of its original capacity as I was wise enough to disconnect it before storing it for several years. I'll try putting Void on it and see if it's any good 😋
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.