@dansup how to delete loops account pls? I can't watch anything without an app and I don't have a smartphone.

@prahou is it possible to learn the power of not having a smartphone

@ozzelot yes, become a niche content creator living off sticker sales

@prahou @ozzelot
I'm unemployed and although I have a smartphone, it sometimes manages to collect several layers of dust over the course of weeks 😆

@prahou @ozzelot
Screen time? Which apps I use the most? 🤔
My smartphone usage patterns are something like this 🤪

@ozzelot @prahou
I have to admit, I'm a bit of a cheater: I have my olde Lumia, which I mostly use as a remote for TV, mpv, and cmus connected to the audio system — stuff like that. I sometimes pick it up to browse Gemini pointlessly, doomscroll the RSS feeds and hang out on Fedi — but it's hardly as intrusive, the browser it has is very old, with a little CSS face lift Bloat looks neat, but most websites don't work, and there are no notifications which make you pick up the phone again.

@ozzelot @prahou
Sadly, this does NOT help the procrastination problem 😩
Right now I'm cross-compiling old Firefox ESR for my ThinkPad T43 — because that is what I now use on my other machines. Why am I doing this? I don't know — I barely ever use the web browser on that machine.
I mean it's probably better than scrolling through funny cat images — fixing compilation issues is like solving puzzles, right? 🤓
But that is now what I SHOULD BE doing 😅

@m0xee @ozzelot move from firefox to links2, the desire to browse the web disappears almost instantly.

@prahou @ozzelot
I use that ThinkPad in a different room with no other computers, helps me concentrate. And sometimes I have to resort to using Firefox — better than going to a different room, turning another computer on. It's like casual "old computer challenge" for me, this old machine with only 2 gigs of RAM can only handle a few tabs in Firefox, so it's not even running most of the time, but I have it there just in case 😉


@prahou @ozzelot
Otherwise I mostly use TUI software there: gomuks for Matrix chats, tut for Fedi, mutt for email, Amfora for Gemini and vim for everything else, the Web… I'm of a w3m man myself — it can display images in patched st with sixel support, which is nice.
There is this new chawan browser: sr.ht/~bptato/chawan/
It also supports images and even has support for CSS and JS which you do not normally see in a TUI browser.

@prahou @ozzelot
It's cool and all, but I could not build it for this x86 machine. Surprisingly, for 32-bit PowerPC and ARM machines I've built it with minor fixes 🤔 It's a very odd error, but I'm not skilled enough with Nim to fix it myself.
It has a weird public domain license that for some might be off-putting, if you aren't picky — check it out, it's really cool, it supports the Web AND Gemini, albeit without client certificates — so for Gemini it's "read only" at the moment, still not bad!

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