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Here’s proof fishing bans leave plenty to eat, says study of Mexico marine park - seems likely they will help to boost numbers...

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Just a reminder that Clarence Thomas let a GOP megadonor take him on lavish trips, buy his mom's house and let her live there rent free, pay for his grandnephew to attend a private boarding school — all in secret until now.

How is he still on the Supreme Court?

"Today, a heavily armed Atlanta Police Department SWAT team raided a house in Atlanta and arrested three of its residents. Their crime? Organizing legal support and bail funds for protesters and activists who have faced indiscriminate arrest and overreaching charges in the struggle to stop the construction of a vast police training facility — dubbed Cop City — atop a forest in Atlanta.

The arrests are an unprecedented attack on bail funds and legal support organizations, a long-standing facet of social justice movements, according to Lauren Regan, executive director of the Civil Liberties Defense Center.

“This is the first bail fund to be attacked in this way,” Regan, whose organization has worked to ensure legal support for people resisting Cop City, told me. “And there is absolutely not a scintilla of fact or evidence that anything illegal has ever transpired with regard to Atlanta fundraising for bail support.”

There's yet another "AI will kill us all! It poses a risk of extinction!" letter going around, and I just… Y'all i am just so fucking tired.

CAPITALISM poses risk of extinction (climate change, right the fuck now).

WHITE SUPREMACY poses risk of extinction (genocide, eugenics).

HEGEMONY poses risk of extinction (nuclear FUCKING WAR).

And whatever "risk of extinction" "AI" poses, it poses because it is BUILT FROM THOSE EXTREMELY HUMAN VALUES.

Even if you stopped every "AI" project running, RIGHT THIS SECOND, those values would still kill us. And no matter how long you "pause" your "AI" projects, if you don't address those values? Then when you start your "AI" back up? You'll KEEP BUILDING THOSE SAME VALUES IN.

This is not hard. At this point, as much as it pains me to say it, it's not even novel. And yet you're still not fucking getting it.

I'm so goddam tired.

git-buildpackage 0.9.31 is out:

If you use --upstream-vcs-tag and have projects with repacked tarballs then this release should make this use case simpler (thanks to a patch by Richard Laager). There's some bugfixes as well.

Feeling pretty good after a one-hour weeding session on the Somerville Community Path.

@Matt_Noyes @emi and Chris indulged me in a little ranting about one of my least favorite terms/concepts on the last GEO livestream: low-skilled (and/or unskilled) labor.

The "Marco Temporal" would prevent Indigenous Brazilians from reclaiming their ancestral lands if they weren't occupying them in 1988. The right wing in Brazil's congress is trying to push this awful law through TODAY! Fuck that 😡 #MarcoTemporalNão

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New, scoopy, different: A number of Discord communities focused on cryptocurrency have been hacked this past month after their administrators were tricked into running malicious Javascript code disguised as a Web browser bookmark.

"A CAPTCHA bot that allows Discord cookies to be accessed by the person hosting the CAPTCHA," was how one victim described the attack. "I've seen all kinds of crypto scams, but I've never seen one like this."

Congress is bipartisan on one thing only: It will always spend more on military contractors than the Pentagon even asks for -- and the Pentagon always asks for vastly more than it needs.

@juddlegum reminds us of an ongoing outrage -- one of the reasons our nation is so broke(n).

McCarthy threatened default in part so he could partially deliver on the right-wing demand that the IRS not hire 87,000 enforcement agents, which it wasn’t going to do anyway.

My MAGA neighbor says us being out in our yard or even our patio triggers his alarm cameras and said if we continue to trigger his camera notifications after a certain hour, when he goes to bed, he is going to make a complaint for disturbing the peace.

Triggering infrared sensors is not disturbing the peace. Tweak your sensitivity.

Oh, you foolish man. We are Chambers'. We accept your challenge.

It's interesting seeing economists finally come around to what has been obvious for ~18 months now: the majority of inflation is being caused by a handful of large companies using economic upheaval as a fig leaf for profit-seeking. It's called a “a profit-price spiral,” and it's what has beset the United States. The solution? Competition! Enforcing anti-trust law! Break up oligopolies to restore functioning capitalism.

In a huge victory for civil liberties, a district court judge in New York ruled that a warrant is required for a cell phone search at the border.

Did you see headlines last week about the Surgeon General's report claiming that it said social media is dangerous for kids? I looked at the actual report and it says no such thing.

"Western intelligence agencies and Microsoft say."

I can't think of two sources I put less stock in 😆

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