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The announcement that the DEA was authorized to conduct covert surveillance on protestors got me thinking about how one could protect oneself against that kind of mass surveillance. In this post I give a quick overview of Stingray technology, the implications of its use at a protest, how aerial stingrays (“dirtboxes”) extends its mass-surveillance capabilities, and how the Librem 5’s hardware kill switches give you control over where, when and how you are surveilled.

The good folks at the Tilted Scales Collective have assembled this useful list of resources to help people navigate America's criminal injustice system. If you're concerned about getting arrested, check it out.

PILES OF BRICKS AND OTHER THINGS THAT ARE BESIDE THE POINT.... a great piece from The Tower about the pitfalls of protest conspiracies. Check it out if you are confused about what's going on, and aren't sure what to think.

#BrickBait #BricksForRioters

There's been tons of people posting lately about mysterious bricks showing up at demos or being "left around" police cars -- with the idea being that cops are trying to set a trap for protesters by encouraging violence.... (THREAD)

#ACAB #NoJusticeNoPeace #Fuck12

Wow. This is huge news, and a milestone, for #Linux!

"Lenovo has announced that all of its ThinkStation desktop PCs and ThinkPad P series laptop will be available to buy with Ubuntu preloaded starting this summer."

It's not just the easier availability of hardware known to work "out of the box", it's also what this signifies. Lenovo would not do this if they did not see it as a good market opportunity. #Lenovo

Publishers/authors are trying to officially kill the Internet Archive

It's become very clear that these publishers and authors want to kill libraries and it would be a dangerous precedent if they win.

For example: libraries never needed permission to lend books, and these same publishers are trying to change that with this suit.

#library #libraries #books #reading

The government is using increasingly sophisticated tools to monitor dissent, and specifically to target the Black-led movement to end racist police violence. #blacklivesmatter #BLM

Sex worker rights activists and encryption enthusiasts agree: EARN IT is a serious threat to digital civil liberties.

Bombshell report: Facebook has known that it is fomenting extremism for years -- and refuses to stop | Media Matters for America

The California Supreme Court ruled police can’t charge fees associated with redacting body-worn camera videos and other digital data. Read this to learn how to request this data.

Hello everyone.

There is a non-zero possibility that major US cities are about to get their civilian communications infrastructure turned off or significantly restricted. If this idea scares you too much to contemplate, please move on. I can't think of how to CW this appropriately, so my apologies for your anxiety, but this is important to my social circle, so I'll continue.

If you're worried about COVID-19 but you still want to make a positive impact, you can help to prepare for this eventuality.

The best way I can think to fight against comms being shut down is to use Dual Power Structure thinking: let's make our own network. This is not as unrealistic as it sounds. HAM Radio folks are already doing it. The software is open source, and runs on a massive number of surplus hardware. Check out the AREDEN Compatibility Matrix:

If you work your local network and make a few fast Amazon orders, I bet you'd have several square miles of coverage ready to go in an instant, and ready to backhaul internet to people who need it to protest.

You might say, "But Endomain, I'm not a licensed ham operator!"

I am not telling you what to do, but a lot of folks are breaking a lot of laws just by protesting. Folks are rightfully afraid of COVID-19 and that's fair, but you know what's socially distant? Rooftops of boarded up or looted buildings that are empty but still have electricity. Maybe this is a risk folks, licensed or not, are willing to take to take to keep comms up for protesters.

We probably have to finally recognize that those who have been left out of the social contract, find no reason to adhere to a social contract, which is why you're seeing protests turning into riots.

Trump: "The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization."


I give up. What a shitshow.

Minnesota is now using contact tracing to track protestors, as demonstrations escalate – BGR 

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