@ludicity You're right, I'm sorry. My nerdiness is more around crochet, origami and graphic novels. But may I entertain you with my rage cartoon on "AI"? It's the least I can do after the laughs I got from your article https://buttondown.email/juliarodraws/archive/on-rage-sparking-bullshit/
Learn more by reading the linked solidarity statement from Weelaunee the Free: https://weelauneethefree.org/solidarity-statement/
Purchase an @nobonzo designed “In Defense of the Forest/Stop Cop City” benefit tee. Proceeds support the Atlanta Solidarity Fund: https://pmpress.org/index.php?l=product_detail&p=1551
An AI thing I'm watching play out at another org:
1: Expert A, with a deep understanding of a nuanced and difficult problem answers a question they've been given, presenting several choices.
2: Director B, recipient, uses an AI to summarize it and then runs it up to leadership saying, "A says this." That generated summary is subtly and very wrong.
3: A is now being held responsible for plans made based on B's AI-generated and very wrong rewriting of his recommendations.
Fun times.
For the first time in the Espionage Act's more-than-100-year history, the U.S. has obtained an Espionage Act conviction for basic journalistic acts, EFF’s @davidgreene told the @nytimes of Julian Assange’s plea deal. “These charges should never have been brought.” https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/24/us/politics/julian-assange-plea-deal.html
Worst part of updating my talk: looking up how fucking many more Starlink satellites there were than last time I gave a version of this talk. 200 more than a month ago. Fuck.
There are now 6,209 Starlinks in orbit, fully 62% of the 10,009 active satellites in orbit.
All of these "fully demisable" Starlinks are planned to burn up and deposit their metal in Earth's atmosphere. I just saw multiple 100-pound pieces of another SpaceX "fully demisable" rocket, so I'm sure it'll be just fine.
Those supposedly libertarian cryptocurrency boys are going with Trump. Of course they are.
The hypocrisy is a given. But in one key way it's a natural match, given all the sleaze in the sector and Trump's endless corruption.
Hong Kong's government is controlled by Beijing. It has adopted the dictatorship's paranoia, and is systematically erasing human rights.
The rulers are now ordering citizens to smile more to bring back tourism. This is not a joke.
I've been to HK many times over the years, and can assure you that the residents' occasional rudeness is not the reason I'm unlikely to return.
When Beijing stops abusing their rights, I'll be back.
"Repository name should contain only alphanumeric, dash ("-"), underscore ("_") and dot (".") characters."
Hot take: we're too attached to the #Latin script. It's a historical accident that I can't call my #Git repo "привет" on a code #forge , and it's pushing a cool part the native cultures of billions of humans to the margin. Git itself can do it no problem!
And why should Дима switch to Latin for naming project if John doesn't switch to #кириллица anyway?
BREAKING: Justice Dept. and Julian Assange reach plea deal in case that threatens press freedom
Our statement: https://freedom.press/news/justice-dept-and-julian-assange-reach-plea-deal-in-case-that-threatens-press-freedom/
Want to see a sneak peek of the Librem 16? See it right on the hackdesk.
#Puism #Librem16 #PureOS
It's not just about 20, or 50 or 70 trees, as gorgeous as they are and for all they do. It's that Enbridge needs to normalize its ability to trample on local and state rights, to condition us to believe they can get away with anything they want, even to dismiss proper legal procedure by waving what they see as the almighty federal gas act around. But the gas act, sweeping as it is, doesn't grant Enbridge the right to circumvent process. Now is the time to call them on it. They have no defense.
A People's Guide to Abolition and Disability Justice is “an essential movement tool. Tastrom convincingly shows that police and prison abolition and disability justice are core strategies for liberation and that we can't win one without the other.”
—Alex Vitale
Get 20% off here: https://pmpress.org/index.php?l=product_detail&p=1585
"Also, our president now, William Ruto, is one of 6 guys who were sent to stand trial at the ICC for crimes committed during the political violence of 2007-2008, but his case was dismissed in 2016. His lawyer, Karim Khan, became the ICC prosecutor in 2021, and I think the convenience around all this is just too stark. It looks to me as though, in exchange for what was a good deal for him, Ruto agreed to serve the Western agenda and...pledged 1000 Kenyan police to Haiti."
I'm going to regret wading into Linux accessibility discussion, but I think part of the problem is that some people don't seem to realise that describing systems or behaviours as ableist (or racist, or any other -ism) is not the same as accusing the person who participates in or builds these systems of consciously hating or being prejudiced against disabled people
TLDR; EPA discovered that Apple was:
- illegally treating hazardous waste
- illegally transporting hazardous waste to disposal facilities
- illegally dumping hazardous waste into the ambient air outside the facility (into the apartment windows)
- leaving stockpiles of extremely dangerous chemicals unattended on weekends
The geo-politics of climate geo-engineering is set to become a thing. A good example is the recent finding that tweaking the Californian climate to lower temperatures would likely result in heatwaves in the EU.
It's as though we're running out of different ways to find out we all share the same atmosphere.
#ShlaerMellor, #FunctionPointAnalysis, #punk, #environmentalist, #unionAdvocate, #anarchosocialist
"with a big old lie and a flag and a pie and a mom and a bible most folks are just liable to buy any line, any place, any time" - Frank Zappa