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Happy 40th Anniversary of #SoftwareFreedom!

Formulating the four freedoms was visionary at the time and achieving it felt almost impossible. But it inspired many people around the world from different backgrounds to join this movement, each one contributing a piece of a puzzle that in sum changed the history of computing. Today those freedoms become more and more crucial to preserve democracies by distributing power over technology.

Big 👏 to all contributors! #GNU40

David Seymour admitted that having 10,000 people in prison, costs the public $7 per week for every man, woman, and child in the country. That's a lot to spend.

Especially when it's well known that people who spend time in prison are more likely to reoffend, and to commit more serious crimes when they do, than when the criminal justice system responds in other ways (eg restorative justice).


#Election2023 #ACT #LawAndOrder #prisons

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Until CNN gave Trump endless free and unedited airtime in 2015-16, no media organization came even close to boosting this career criminal as much as NBC. And NBC has never stopped bending over for him, as the sickening recent "Meet the Press" episode showed..

Now Trump is making what amount to death threats against NBC and its parent company. Earlier, he denounced CNN with almost equal vituperation.

Lessons learned: none, from all appearances.

#Google is trying again to convince you, YES YOU, to contribute for free to Google Maps.
Please don't.
It is 100% #proprietary, Google has full control over the data you added and people can only access Google Maps over proprietary channels where Google dictates the rules. This gives them too much power.

Contribute to #OpenStreetMap instead, it's a project by the community, for the community.

#OSM #GoogleMaps #PSA #scam #capitalism #OpenData

I haven't been seeing much discussion of the resumption of student loan payments (in the US).

I'm looking at my household income suddenly dropping 10% in a few days. And as I understand it, that money effectively just vanishes. The practical effect is just to put more economic pressure on working class people.

"Amazon’s ongoing pattern of illegal conduct blocks competition, allowing it to wield monopoly power to inflate prices, degrade quality, and stifle innovation for consumers and businesses." Whatever happens here, it will be meaningful. It's also nice to see the FTC actually wielding its antitrust powers. #Democracy

It's that time again!

`abra upgrade` gives you the new v0.8.x series 🤓 Migration gude is here: and the whole change log is over on

If you run into any bugs, please let us know:

A lot of work was put into setting up a test suite for abra in this release which will hopefully allow us to move forward with less bugs. More details in

-- d1

#Abra #CoopCloud

A person on the Internet is a hoarder keeping stacks of old newspapers, correspondence, journals, photo albums and other sentimental but (they assume) worthless stuff. Eventually they run out of room and a friend offers to store their stuff for free.

How will they respond when they discover their friend made a lot of money selling their stuff on eBay?

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It took many years before the average person realized the privacy implications of the data they left behind on the Internet.

It will likely be many more before people realize what Reddit and other companies recently discovered: modern AI apps have turned their trash (random user comments, posts and photos) into treasure. In response, companies are rapidly throwing up paywalls and licensing access to this data that arguably isn't theirs to sell. (1/2)

#privacy #ai #web3

To my knowledge – and, BOY, would I like to be wrong about this – there is not a single other platform in the world that supports the by-works model that Patreon offers.

To be crystal clear, it entails:

• Patrons pledge to pay $n per work, on an ongoing basis, in advance of the work being done.

• The creator then generates works on an ad hoc basis, not to any set schedule, and each time they do, they check in with the UI to bill their patrons.

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New kitchen sink means redoing the plumbing. Why do I always end up in a house where the original plumber must have been an idiot? Must be common considering all the accordion tube parts.

PSA: Google has now begun to roll-out the Ad Topics "feature" onto Android itself. It's not just in Chrome you have to disable the settings. Please #Boost to spread awareness.

If you didn't get the pop-up screen on your Android device (it'll look like the first two screenshots), to opt-out of these settings:

Go to your device Settings
Press on "Google"
Press on "Ads"While you're here, press on the "Delete Advertising ID" button and delete it
Press on "Ad Privacy"
Review: "Ad Topics", "App-suggested ads", and "App Measurement". Make sure they are all labelled as "OFF". (This page will look like the third screenshot.)

If you don't see "Ad Privacy" in Step 4 then it means that it hasn't been rolled out to you yet. You might need to wait and check back in a couple of days to see if/when it has been implemented to disable these settings.

#Android #Google #Privacy #AdTopics

"“Obama came here saying GMOs are good, but his family had an organic garden behind the White House!” he recalled. “All of the Western leaders are like hunters who use poison. They don’t eat that meat. They sell it.”

By the start of Obama’s second term, the alliance to industrialize African agriculture had stepped up its PR offensive, largely thanks to the money and strategic direction of its de facto leader, Bill Gates.."

Best episode in #Apple's climate TV show was the patent-free rice one.

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"a regional and global crusade to integrate every aspect of smallholder farming into the industrial food system.

"The crusade’s most stubborn opponent has been the humble seed, whose natural ability to replicate has made it uniquely resistant to proprietary control.

"Since the 1980s, agribusiness, its sponsor governments, and its mega-philanthropy allies have targeted this stubbornness as though it were a tumor, using national laws and threats… to introduce patent-protected hybrids and GMOs."

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Air quality forces cancellation of Yellowknife welcome-home show

Even for Yellowknifers who think they’ve seen it all this summer, Saturday morning was something.
The sky that greeted waking residents was, at best, dark orange.
Tiny shards of ash fluttered to the surface of dimly apocalyptic streets.
By 10am, the sky outside remained remarkably and eerily dark.

Misinformation researchers are under vicious attack from Republicans, who have made lies and deceitful propaganda key tools in their campaign to overthrow democracy. The attacker aren't just burning honest education these days. They're burning the research that makes learning even possible.

This is very informative about the 'Groundswell' organisation. or Unsurprisingly, it's the corporate landowners mostly trying to create the *impression* of a grassroots movement. Same story as usual - the precariat is meat in the sandwich.

@julianfairfax @agx @deedend @devrtz @purism
okay, this might come as a shock, but electron is a f*** chrome-browser.

Had a project lately, where the developing party did not allow to use the dev-mode inside the electron based client.
well, QA as we are, we know packetsniffers and found the base-url.
From there it was just open chromium and use dev-tools...
so when people say the develop in, they mean they develop for google-chrome.

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