@gabriele@social.lucci.xyz @paulfree14 @purism
Wait. Am I alt-right again? :)
I can never keep track. Some days I'm a communist. Other days a fascist. Occasionally a Liberal. Today, I guess, I'm alt-right! :)
Hey @paulfree14: I don't think you and I are as different as you might think. My guess is you're a nice guy that means well and strives to do good in the world.
Maybe we can both be alt-Awesome?
@lunduke @gabriele @paulfree14 @purism antifa literally protects my gay and trans friends at pride festivals from getting attacked by proudboys and patriot prayer, and given that you call antifa a "terrorist organization" i think it's safe to say that no matter what you call yourself it's definitively not good
@ThisIsLeeloo @gabriele@social.lucci.xyz @paulfree14 @purism That's just it. I didn't say that. You appear to be angry at me for something I didn't actually say.
@paulfree14 @ThisIsLeeloo @gabriele@social.lucci.xyz @purism How does that make me a liar? Government agencies called Antifa a terrorist organization. Not me. I reported on the potential problems relating to a corporation donating to another organization which provides support to Antifa. Specifically around what problems that could raise for the donating company. Are you just unhappy with the title wording?
@lunduke @paulfree14 @gabriele @purism Denying that you did something makes you a liar. Just FYI.
That's how lying works.
It is not just the wording. If this should have been a citation you should have wrote it as a citation.
"Antfia - an organisation classified by the US government as a terrorist organization".
"Antfia - a domesti terrorist organisation..." makes this your claim.
Please do not confuse wording and correct citation. I see that the main point of your article was not meant to support fascism, but with these kind of mistakes, it is hard to tell. @paulfree14 @ThisIsLeeloo @gabriele @purism
@yolo @lunduke @ThisIsLeeloo @gabriele @purism
> I see that the main point of your article was not meant to support fascism
The main point I could see is doing clickbait and aplealing to the right-wing.
Or in other words: pushing right-wing agenda for one owns capital interest.
@lunduke @paulfree14 @gabriele @purism Let's just try to parse out where you stand.
Several minutes ago you denied having called antifa a domestic terrorist organization, even though you did.
Now you excuse that as just using the government-prescribed language (even though you still used the words "domestic terrorist organization").
Do you support groups that protect LGBTQ people from being physically assaulted by actual terrorists like Proudboys, or are you opposed to them?