More progress on my knitting clock. I've mounted all of the main components to the backer board. I also wired two buttons to GPIO pins and wrote a simple script to advance the machine forward and backwards one stitch with the buttons. I'll likely use this when I'm casting on and casting off.
The top of the clock will be where the stepper motor is. Now that I know how the pieces fit, I will cut the top so it is house-shaped, and build the sides and front of the clock.
@wobin It has 48 hooks, and will do a stitch every half hour, one round every day. The current plan is to knit a 365-round scarf for 2023. I will "cheat" and catch it up to the current day (whenever that is) when I get it done, and then have it take things from there.
I plan on marking significant days in the year with a colored thread. For instance, if I get this done by Valentine's Day, I will mark that with a red thread.