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Good luck #BlackBerry users... you have been mobile security pioneers!

"The shutdown means the phones will no longer reliably function for "data, phone calls, SMS and 9-1-1 functionality"

#smartphones #privacy

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keverets boosted

Before you buy that e-book from Amazon, do yourself a favor and see if the publisher has a website with direct sales.

I've found a number of books that I was interested in DRM-free, in EPUB format, and sometimes at a discounted price, just by poking around a little.

keverets boosted

You can connect WordPress blogs to the Fediverse by using the ActivityPub plugin:

The plugin lets people on Mastodon etc. follow your blog as well as share and comment on your blog posts.

The author of the plugin is @pfefferle

#FediTips #Fediverse #WordPress #MastoTips #Mastodon

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keverets boosted
I've always been told it's better to write comments describing the *why* rather than the *what*. This was for a couple of reasons but the primary one was that if you can't understand what the code does by reading it, you shouldn't be messing with it. That makes perfect sense to me.

However, Jon Calhoun from the Go Time podcast recently interviewed a (nearly) blind developer, Dominic St-Pierre, who had a very interesting take on this. He said that describing the *what* actually makes code more accessible; it saves those using screen readers from having to sit through a whole code block to figure out what could have been described in a comment in just a few words.

Those of us without any vision impairment can skim through and understand a whole page of code in just a few minutes while it might take half an hour with a screen reader.

Good comments can save a ton of time :flan_thumbs:
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@jlcrawf Yes, and if you do an unauthorized repair of a Tesla, you run the risk of Tesla remotely disabling Supercharging "for safety" (but really about control). The Rich Rebuilds Youtube channel had covered a lot of the issues around how Tesla is trying to redefine the traditional secondary repair market to lock people into dealerships for repairs, and making it hard for owners or unauthorized mechanics to get spare parts. Think Apple, but for cars.

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The first wave of EVs are old enough their batteries are starting to fail. People tend to repair old ICE cars, but at a $22k price tag to replace batteries that will inevitably fail, it seems like older EVs will be thrown away instead of repaired.

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Saying goodbye to an old friend
from @aral. We are with you at @XWiki and @cryptpad Trillions $ corporations should not own our data and the software we use.. Our civil liberties are indeed getting frog boiled

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Huh. I didn't realize that mastodon does not support text formatting (markdown or other) and it's been argued about for at least 3 years

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Was organizing old photos and using a self-written script but then found out that `exiftool` works better and has more functionality. Reminds me to look around for a better tool before slapping together my own poor version.

exiftool '-Directory<CreateDate' -d sorted/%Y/%Y-%m -r photos

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keverets boosted

wild to me that sites will literally say shit like "looks better in our app! download now!" because I remember a time when having a functional site on all screens was the goal and immediately prompting your visitors to download something was very shady behavior

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I don’t know who needs to hear this but…

Privacy isn’t:

- A premium feature
- A setting you must configure
- About having something to hide

Privacy is:

- A basic human right.

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New Toyota car owners will need to pay a $8/mo so their key fob can remote-start their car. Cars before 2018 are excluded, because their internal 3G networks are about to go offline, disabling Toyota's remote control.

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Looks like this whole #log4j debacle is going to be hard to address due to Java practices consisting in shipping binaries (jars) of unknown provenance.

Glad the one in #Guix is built from source, and now fixed:

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keverets boosted

has made it into F-Droid finally. Might be a worthy competitor to Signal (no f-droid, thanks m0xie) and Telegram (FOSS version maintained by separate group long after the release; questionable encryption and not e2ee by default).

Wire • Secure Messenger (Wire offers highly secure communication – anywhere and anytime.) -

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