Just found out about beestat.io for #ecobee thermostats. FOSS (GPLv3) and seems to give more useful stats than ecobee's official (unfortunate) interfaces.
To bump this thread: The Swiss state has been taxing the carbon in fossil fuels since 2008 ⛽
The tax started very low, and increases every year. It is currently 120 CHF (~130 USD) per tonne CO2 💰
2/3 goes to each citizen, evenly divided, as a reduction of their health insurance! 🏥 1/3 of the tax goes into green spending.
Every country can do this, without losing economic 'competitiveness' if a tariff is applied 🗺️
#Nitter is an AGPLv3 licensed #Twitter frontend with all the features of the default site -- but more importantly -- it returns all of the freedom that Twitter's nonfree JavaScript takes away from you. Try it out! https://nitter.net
Please make sure to read this carefully before ordering a #PinePhonePro:
The #PinePhone Pro is still very much in development, and thus just won't be your daily driver smartphone upon receiving the device.
Read https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/PINE64_PinePhone_Pro_(pine64-pinephonepro) to get an idea.
I don't want to hamper your excitement, but I also don't want to see you start a rant YouTube channel because you're upset due to not reading this properly. The PPP is really cool, but it's not your new "privacy smartphone" at this point.
@ScottMortimer There is also this excellent blog post in response: https://staltz.com/some-people-want-to-run-their-own-servers.html :)
TIL that a chromebook I bought a couple of years ago (intending to install Debian on, but got shelved until an immediate need for kids in online learning) has been officially abandoned for security updates by Google. I didn't realize how short the interval was before Google forced a choice between using an insecure browser or creating a massive amount of ewaste.
Luckily I should still be able to liberate this one (thanks Debian!) but most people won't. What a sad state of affairs.
Seems that Honda infotainment units are having date issues as of 2022-01-01 where the date gets rolled back to 2002 and stuck. This appears to be another instance of the (unfortunately named) "Y2K22" bug, similar to those hitting Microsoft Exchange servers at the same time.
Storing dates & times as "YYMMDDHHMM" in an int should have been seen as a bad idea. Sounds as though it may be August (!) before a fix is available.
Good luck #BlackBerry users... you have been mobile security pioneers!
"The shutdown means the phones will no longer reliably function for "data, phone calls, SMS and 9-1-1 functionality"
You can connect WordPress blogs to the Fediverse by using the ActivityPub plugin:
The plugin lets people on Mastodon etc. follow your blog as well as share and comment on your blog posts.
The author of the plugin is @pfefferle
James Webb Space Telescope over Earth
Image Credit: Arianespace, ESA, NASA, CSA, CNES
@jlcrawf Yes, and if you do an unauthorized repair of a Tesla, you run the risk of Tesla remotely disabling Supercharging "for safety" (but really about control). The Rich Rebuilds Youtube channel had covered a lot of the issues around how Tesla is trying to redefine the traditional secondary repair market to lock people into dealerships for repairs, and making it hard for owners or unauthorized mechanics to get spare parts. Think Apple, but for cars.
The first wave of EVs are old enough their batteries are starting to fail. People tend to repair old ICE cars, but at a $22k price tag to replace batteries that will inevitably fail, it seems like older EVs will be thrown away instead of repaired. https://gizmodo.com/finnish-man-passes-on-paying-22-600-to-replace-his-tes-1848268874
Saying goodbye to an old friend https://ar.al/2021/12/16/saying-goodbye-to-an-old-friend/
from @aral. We are with you at @XWiki and @cryptpad Trillions $ corporations should not own our data and the software we use.. Our civil liberties are indeed getting frog boiled