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death and computing related 

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> The power to target is the power to discriminate. By definition, targeted ads allow advertisers to reach some kinds of people while excluding others. A targeting system may be used to decide who gets to see job postings or loan offers just as easily as it is to advertise shoes.

Well said.

TIL: when a plate (or bowl) is stuck in a pot: to separate them, wipe dish soap (or oil) around where they meet, add ice to cover the plate (letting it get very cold and thus contract a little), then turn upside down and pour hot/boiling water on the pot (causing it to expand a little). Plate falls out.

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A few days ago I had an idea for a simple e-ink project and found Inkplate - an Open Hardware design with ESP32 and recycled Kindle displays.

Programmed it to wake up daily at midnight to download a PGM image over WiFi ( from a server which checks some stuff like trash collection schedule. Should last years on a single battery charge.

Check it out if you look for a super approachable way to build some e-ink stuff!

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Dear Spotify: don’t manipulate our emotions for profit

Take a stand against Spotify
's recent speech-recognition patent that claims to detect “emotional state, gender, age, or accent” to recommend music.

Music services shouldn't be using covert surveillance in their products.

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i know tomorrow is April 1, but can we all agree to just not be dicks about it

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"Do you Really Want Linux Phones?" A very good article about the recent developments, and the ongoing fragmentation we see on PinePhone instead of polish: #linux #smartphone #pinephone #librem

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This is not consent. Amazon drivers should not be forced to submit to biometric surveillance as a condition of keeping their jobs.

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I assumed that if GPT-3 generated pickup lines, they would be terrible because they would be something like human pickup lines. Instead, they are terrible for more delightful reasons.

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if necessary, MNT Reform’s motherboard can be swapped out in a few minutes with only a screwdriver

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:boost_ok: :ablobcatwave: Please boost this post if you would like the EFF to join the fediverse. :ablobcatbongo:

In a survey the EFF sent me, I suggested they create an account on the fediverse, so they can reach more supporters and support innovative free software that promotes interoperability among platforms, something they've advocated for in the past, too.

If you can boost this post, maybe I'll be able to show them that there are quite a few users who would like them here!

The EFF is the infamous nonprofit organisation that fights for privacy, government transparency, and digital freedom. Their fight is very important, and the EFF is very special to me.

You can see some of their work here

In the meantime, you can follow @eff, which is an unofficial mirror of their Twitter.
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...but that’s the point, of course. It’s a hazing ritual. If you get through you’ll be invested in the system, convinced you’re elite and that you worked hard for your success. And you’ll be hard to convince otherwise because if you were wrong, then what was all that pain for?

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And from the Vice article that broke the story: "Among the thousands of other data points, vehicle location data is transmitted on a constant and near real time basis while the vehicle is operating."

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Because some people still share this thread: Tusky has been reinstated after my appeal.

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Your car is broadcasting data about where you go and what you do. And now a surveillance contractor wants to sell this data to the U.S. military, including "real-time locations of specific cars in nearly any country on Earth."

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I love language. Image source, no idea what thread, I don't use Reddit.

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