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Kevin C. boosted

Happy to see that @sir's is now the top search result for "plaintext email"!

(At least on :duckduckgo:. It probably varies more on Google)

(and special shoutout to the graphic by Fosstodon's own @ohyran :) )

Kevin C. boosted

Did you know, you can narrow down the suggestions from the firefox address bar using the following characters :

^ to search for matches in your browsing history.
* to search for matches in your bookmarks.
+ to search for matches in pages you’ve tagged.
% to search for matches in your currently open tabs.
# to search for matches in page titles.
$ to search for matches in web addresses (URLs).
? to search for matches in suggestions.

I just pushed up tag v0.1.5 of my Basic Hugo Theme.

This is the first version that I'm semi-officially announcing. I think it has all of the building blocks that I intended to use in a very basic theme, and the theme documentation is more-or-less complete.

I suppose I should go ahead and call it version 1.0, but I'll wait to see if any more flaws in it shake out from using it as the theme for my Personal Siite.

I think I need to rename my recently launched website. @torproject already uses the tag line of "Take back the internet", so it doesn't seem right for me to use the same one.

I'm not trying to take back the whole internet, anyway. Just my little corner of it.

Kevin C. boosted

This is kind of amazing.
RT @Gurdur
An aerial view of a sheepdog as it demonstrates fluid mechanics, and it also shows a sheep is a particle, while a flock is a wave.

Success! My new personal website -- -- has a verified rel="me" link to my Mastodon profile, allowing it to show up as verified in said profile.

Kevin C. boosted

@aral on freedom and the Internet, Facebook & Google, their business model & the silion valley surveillance capitalism model.
Listen to him, now with French, English & German subtitles

Kevin C. boosted
Kevin C. boosted

NEWS: Eben Moglen Delivers “FreedomBox Turns Ten” Speech

To commemorate the ten-year anniversary of #FreedomBox's birth, Eben Moglen delivered a speech. He stressed this idea: regular people can change the web through collective social action.


Kevin C. boosted

Check out this blog post by @bob titled, "FreedomBox at Ten."

Bob Mottram: "If the last decade was the birth phase I hope that the 2020s will be the time when running your own internet services, individually or in small groups, becomes quite normal."

Read his full post here:

For people who embrace the publishing model and syndicate on : What is the typical approach?

Do people just post a link to the original content?

Do people post a summary plus a link?

Is there a convention for hashtags for such syndicated posts?

Kevin C. boosted

NEWS: #FreedomBox has been added to the DistroWatch database!🎉🎉🎉

This means that our operating system has received official recognition by DistroWatch and is listed alongside the world's major Linux and BSD distributions.

Our page on DistroWatch:

Kevin C. boosted
Kevin C. boosted

I was interviewed for Marketplace today about running your own social network site! You can catch me on NPR stations today or just listen/read here:

Kevin C. boosted


You can now follow remote profiles on Pixelfed instances that have enabled the feature.

1. Search the full url (ie:

2. Click the follow button on the results page

3. You will start seeing posts from that account on your home timeline


Kevin C. boosted

UN Special Rapporteur David Kaye has a simple response to The New York Times today: “hate speech” does not persist online because of some magical Section 230 shield. Read his explanation here:

Kevin C. boosted
i used to be really into having the newest computer gadget. now i use refurbished hardware. it's so much cheaper. it lasts. it reduces landfill waste. it's great, and i don't really feel like i am missing out on much tech-wise.

here are some tips if you need tech stuff but don't want to spend a lot of money, support horrible companies, and such (1/n)
Kevin C. boosted

If you're looking for an alternative to #PokemonGo, no need to ask @switchingsocial - I have the perfect tip for you.

It is harder, more complex, more fun, doesn't track you and you can play it on any device that has a camera: It's called #WildLifePhotography.

Or if you don't have any such device try WildLifeDrawing instead, which the former is a fork of.

I'm already a Lv 2 #Butterfly catcher. Check out my collection @paulakreuzer

Gotta document them all! #Biodiversity

Kevin C. boosted
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