phosh 0.13.1 is out 🚀 :
Feedback quick setting cycles through all modes, "Close all" notifications button, improved encrypted media handling and fractional scaling improvements.
@agx Successfully compiled and running on my Pinephone with Manjaro. Loving the fractional scaling but squeekboard doesn't seem to be working, the icon in the bottom right is greyed out. Do I also need to compile the latest release of it as well?
@joshfowler squeekboard is not affected/changed by this release, likely it's "just" not running in your session? Squeekboard startup is still snowflaky: . Or maybe you're running `phosh-osk-stub` (which is just for tests).
@agx Thanks for the quick reply. I can run squeekboard manually via SSH and it behaves as normal. I'm guessing that there is something in Manjaro changes for Phosh that has been overwritten by compiling and deploying myself. How is the squeekboard startup script called normally?
@joshfowler gnome-session brings up the required components in `phosh.session.desktop`. The OSK one is named `sm.puri.OSK0`
@agx Hmmmm, everything is fine if I roll back to 0.12.1. However now sound isn't working so I'm going to try 0.13.1 on a fresh install to make sure I'm not leading us down a rabbit hole!
@agx The session does seem to be handled by systemd but I haven't changed that at all. I flashed the latest beta13 Manjaro Phosh onto my Braveheart with the same squeekboard issue, sound is fine however so I'm guessing that's some other issue on my other Pinephone. In the meson_options.txt file do I just need to make the systemd option true?
@joshfowler or `meson -Dsystemd=true ...`