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The German language is actually quite veggie:

Da haben wir den Salat (There we have the salad) = What a mess!

Gurkentruppe (cucumber troop) = bad team

Tomaten auf den Augen (tomatoes on the eyes) = blinded

Bohnenstange (bean stick) = tall person

Spargel (asparagus) = thin person

Erbsenzähler (pea counter) = nitpicker

Interessiert mich nicht die Bohne (I'm not interested a bean)= I don't care at all

wie Kraut und Rüben (like cabbage and turnips) = messy

Enjoy our langveg!


I've received many fortune cookies with no fortune in them over the years. But tonight for the first time, I received a fortune cookie wrapper/packet, fully sealed and inflated with air, with no fortune cookie (or fortune) at all inside. I think maybe I got Nietzsche's order by mistake.

I'm stoked to be helping out with the "FOSS For Education" track for #FOSSY, a free and open source software conference hosted in Portland this July by @conservancy

Let's get a variety of perspectives to be present and seen. Go for it and submit a proposal. :)

About the "FOSS For Education" track:

Call for Proposals:

General FOSSY info:

#foss #teacher #education #edtech #highered #k12 #oer23 #openeducation #oer

I appreciate the warning on Colorverse NASA Blue ink: "Avoid direct sunlight; keep out of children." Okay!

“You can no more keep a Martini in the refrigerator than you can keep a kiss there.” --Bernard DeVoto, "The Hour: A Cocktail Manifesto"

Disappointing, and a reminder that I don't actually know what a monopoly is (clearly not a "know it when I see it" situation): -- but hopefully irrelevant anyway, with other forces (EU) pushing Apple to allow users to install software from outside the App Store. iF-Droid?

What an encouraging story -- university students in Lithuania push back against proprietary 2FA requirement and win:

A bit crushed to learn that the new book release date I've been looking forward to on my calendar (today) is the release date *in Japan*. Probably another year to wait for a translation I can read.

5 out of the 10 books on the NYT BR combined fiction bestseller list (yesterday) are by the same person. It's been that way for a long time. I don't know what to do about that, but I think people might like some changes made to the way the list is built / presented.

If you sent me an email and are wondering why I didn't answer yet, I probably didn't get it. Sporadic email issues due to bad MX records due to bad instructions from Gandi plus terrible sysadmin (me).

I just tried to click an old link and got kinda sad.

Have people started using to guess passwords yet?

Turns out nowadays if I want my Screen session to not die when the graphical desktop environment crashes (or I log out of it), I have to start Screen from a VT and then reattach from the DE and do a lot of "export DISPLAY=:0.0" in the individual Screen terminals just like it's...some year a long time ago.

Should Justice Thomas be removed from the Supreme Court?
Please boost for a more significant result.

Presumably this is for all your passwords stolen from other places.

Twitter labels NPR as "state-affiliated media":

but not the BBC.

NPR, please don't righteously beg for Musk to take you back. Time to leave.

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