Turns out nowadays if I want my Screen session to not die when the graphical desktop environment crashes (or I log out of it), I have to start Screen from a VT and then reattach from the DE and do a lot of "export DISPLAY=:0.0" in the individual Screen terminals just like it's...some year a long time ago.
@bremner They are, and I did not much, so now I will. I did see that systemd-run --scope --user screen might help?
@johns TIL about that, but indeed it seems to preserve tmux from killing my lightdm session here.
@johns one of the reasons I don't use systemd. It is no longer just an init.
@adfeno While I didn't necessarily want to have to learn a bunch of new stuff, I have definitely found systemd to be very useful in general.
@johns An update: since my computer usage habits have changed recently, and having noticed my lack of contributions to #FreeSoftware front lines which I can contribute and know a little on how to do so, I also decided to use #SystemD and #Trisquel, specially so that I can help develop #WebExtensions to replace #JavaScript / #JS, and also use #Java to help #IRPFLivre, a replacement for a nonfree software to fill personal income tax declaration.
@johns Are these systemd-using machines? If so, does "loginctl enable-linger johns" help? Apologies if you already went down that rabbit hole.