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I would have a lot more sympathy for Apple's DMA complaint that it may have less ability to shield users from "objectionable or harmful content" if their definition of "objectionable or harmful content" they've been shielding their users from hadn't included

- telling users that things were cheaper outside the app store
- pointing out that you could subscribe to a service through a web browser
- noting the existence of jailbreaking and the ability to turn off parts of Apple's code

@kyle I just learned some people actually call them "cloud kitchens"!

@dneary @mitchellh But I was trying to make a deposit!

(I have had other troubling experiences where banks wouldn't give me my money -- most recently with Santander, who has a secret monthly ACH maximum, does not allow wire transfers online or over the phone, and insisted the only way I could get my money out after hitting the ACH cap was in person -- no branches in my state -- or via paper check.)

Actual words spoken to me at Bank of America today -- "We do not have cash capabilities today."

"ghost kitchen" may be the most overly dramatic term for the most mundane thing

Also this reminds me of people checking photo ID when signing GPG keys. If you have no training/practice in identifying an official ID (as I'm 99% sure most of the volunteers at the polls do not either), the requirement is not worth much, which means all of the cons of the requirement easily outweigh the supposed benefits.

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Had to show photo ID to vote today, for the first time in my life. Lame.

Best movie soundtrack? If your choice isn't here, reply in comment.

@dneary Last Action Hero on M, W, F; Ghost Dog on Tu, Th; Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs on alternating weekends.

Hello fediverse.

Quick check in.

Going into year 5 of the age of SARS-CoV-2, to your knowledge you have been infected:

Please boost for larger sample size.
#CovidIsNotOver @novid #COVID19

I'm short on time -- can I just put the Emergen-C *in* the whiskey? So who do you vote *for* with your wallet?

But to bring it back to the post, this is an opportunity to join the F-Droid board of directors, which has some influence on policy and strategy for the project. We're not just looking for people who already agree with 100% of what's being done :) Well, hopefully we can both agree that reproducible builds (where the binary matches a known good hash no matter who builds or re-builds it) is the best solution here, and F-Droid is helping the effort toward that. Also don't forget that F-Droid is not a centralized technology -- the name does refer to a primary repo, but anyone can stand up their own repo and sign everything with their own key. Besides, which store allows you to pass through your own signature on your upload? Eh? Developers control their own security key. Are you talking about how F-droid wants to re-build and re-sign the software, which means using its own key(s)?

We need your help to advance user freedom on mobile devices -- if you are interested and have a few hours a month to contribute to building a solid organizational base to support the worldwide F-Droid community's amazing work, please nominate yourself (or another willing person) for the F-Droid board of directors:

My partner plays drums in a band called E, which is releasing a new album, "Living Waters" on April 23rd, 2024 on the Silver Rocket label. (They're going to be touring Europe this summer, too!)

Check out the video for "Fully Remote" the first single which is now up at

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