Thanks to everyone making Debian Reunion Hamburg possible! For those who missed the live streams, the recordings are available at Enjoy!
A first batch of presentations available from our video archive at now!
Apparently there's an upcycling event in Germany, Cologne organized by the @fsfe on 2022-06-03 where one can learn a bit about postmarketOS among other things. The original fediverse post from @caos is here (not boosting since it's in German and this is an English account):
It sounds like a lot of fun and we wish everybody a great time there. If you live in the area, consider going! 👣
submitted by Nicolas-matteo
Welcome our Google Summer of Code contributors!
- Patiga will work on more flexible file transfers in #Dino
- PawBud will work towards adding support for A/V #communication via #Jingle in #ConverseJS
L’approvisionnement d’une ferme-usine saboté
En mars, un collectif d’associations luttant pour l’ #agriculture paysanne et contre les procédés polluants de l’agro-industrie a immobilisé et déchargé par surprise un train de marchandise. Qualifiée d’« écoterroriste » dans la presse, leur action a fait débat jusqu’au sein du mouvement écologiste :
#Écologie #AlternativeLibertaire #Journal #Presse #Média #AL
Video Trimmer doesn't pretend to be anything it's not; you can tell exactly what it does just by reading it's name. That does not by any means make it an app that should be ignored! For me, this app is an essential install for whenever I'm setting up a new system. Being able to trim many different video formats down to just the length I need is great!
You can get the app on Flathub here:
You can follow the app's creator here: @YaLTeR
Well I'll be, here's displaylink working on the PocoPhone F1 with mainline and @MobianLinux! As I understand it, the displaylink userspace components are proprietary and only have 32-bit versions for ARM, so it'll be tricky to integrate into @postmarketOS
@debian That's great! See you on Wednesday.
The eagerly awaited Debian Reunion Hamburg 2022 has started! People have been arriving, and are happy to meet in person, to hack and chat together, and much more until next Monday!
@calebccff you misspelled "mastodon"
PSA: If you're using #mobian and #chatty is crashing for you because it cannot find, please either grab the latest version from unstable (should migrate in a few days) or adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the new multilib purple plugin directory,
see for more information