This is a great talk on Linux mobile :)
Today I am enjoying the beach!
Thanks to automatic high-contrast mode in #Phosh I can still waste time on the internet 😂
gsettings set sm.puri.phosh automatic-high-contrast true
to enable it, and you can also adjust the
gsettings set sm.puri.phosh automatic-high-contrast-threshold <number>
Thanks @agx for this useful feature!
"Successful shitty tech rollouts start with people you can abuse with impunity (prisoners, kids, migrants, etc)"
"20 years ago, if you were eating your dinner under the unblinking eye of a video-camera, it was because you were in a supermax prison. Now, thanks to "luxury surveillance," you can get the same experience in your middle-class home"
a minha proxima carrinha para viajar pela europa:
@dcz I'll need to fin your email.
@dcz where can I order a devkit?
#Jazda is at #FrOSCon! Check out the booth at the entrance, where my friends from #FLOSSShop sell the smart watch dev kits. Stickers also there!
@pintoch hope you get better soon!
In case youre @FrOSCon I'll give a short talk on #linux #mobile tomorrow: