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"I'm just not feeling like contributing to the camera ecosystem anymore. "

Don't get fooled by the title... This is yet another difficult story of a free/libre software maintainer doing so much hard volunteer work only to furhter meeting hadship, lack of recognition/support/funding, and getting burnt out.. :(

(If you use a #pinephone or ever thought this could become a solution for freeing the mobile computing ecosystem, this concerns you...)

@fosdem developer rooms have been announced!
After a crammed half day of talks on #LinuxOnMobile last time, we are very happy that there will be a full Sunday dedicated to mobile topics around true Linux OSes at #fosdem2024.
We will announce a Call for Participation as soon as it is published. We will coordinate with our Friends at @postmarketOS, sailfish OS, etc to put together something interesting.

Guess who is back for the FOSDEM 2024?

Stay tuned for more news, and in the meanwhile, start sketching a talk proposal!

Der Sozialdemokrat Antonio Costa verlässt nach Korruptionsvorwürfen sein Amt als Ministerpräsident. Das ist bedauerlich für Portugal, aber der richtige Schritt.#AntonioCosta #Portugal #Regierungskrise #Korruption #Europa #Politik #Schwerpunkt
Regierungskrise in Portugal: Ein ehrenvoller Rücktritt

@sri Do you recall if it was an official package of a repo like debain main repos, or if a community repo like AUR?

Just istalled #Phosh on my #NixOS Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet X1. I previously tried GNOME, but its touchscreen support is still shaky. Phosh, on the other hand, works perfectly fine for me in both tablet and laptop mode! Thanks @purism !! :blobcatspace:

How is firmware like tofu? If you are at SeaGL today, come to my talk at 13:50 in Room 2 and find out! I will be presenting Free Software Policy with Semi-Firm Firmware.

If you aren't here in person, you can view a livestream of the talk at Look for the Attend Remotely or Watch Live links.

#SeaGL #FOSS #RYF #firmware

phosh 0.33.0 is out 🚀📱:

Allows to toggle password visibility on/off in all modal dialogs, new
🔒-screen plugin to launch tasks, improved support for Indic languages ➕ UI and troubleshooting tab improvements in mobile settings.

Check out the full release notes at

If anyone else wonders how to use #fail2ban on #Debian 12 without #rsyslog logging:
(Since rsyslog is not installed anymore - journalctl provides that part now):

Create a jail.local file under /etc/fail2ban/ and make sure to add "backend = systemd" to make #fail2ban use journalctl.

Example config:

enabled = true
backend = systemd
port = 22
maxretry = 3
findtime = 10m
bantime = 30d
ignoreip =

Restart #fail2ban and all will be fine 😎

Hoje a Ciberlândia completa a sua primeira volta em redor do Sol. 365 dias depois continuamos a acreditar na importância deste projecto. Queremos continuar a acolher gente nova (e bots) e a construir continuamente um espaço onde todxs se sintam segurxs.

Sugestões de melhoria são sempre bem vindas.

Mas hoje? Hoje é dia de festa!

I independently reproduced the #NixOS minimal installation ISO!

This is an amazing milestone for me personally: I've been involved in #ReproducibleBuilds since 2017 and #NixOS since 2019, and have been slowly chipping away at this problem. While there is much more to do to further reap the benefits of reproducibility, this is a long-awaited tangible benefit.

For more about the What, Why, How and What Next, check the post below :)

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