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Please please please can we name this incident "CrowdStrike: Global Offensive" ?

Character assassination FAILED.
Financial assassination FAILED.
Legal assassination FAILED.
Actual assassination FAILED.

The U.S. Department of Education is one of the greatest failures in American history. It's time to abolish it.

> Fireworks are illegal in Illinois

Me, in Illinois, watching around 5 different fireworks shows at the same time from my front porch.

Nothing more American than a blatant disregard for the law. :ablobcatrave:

Things a good browser should block:

- scroll-based "signup" dialogs (e.g., for newsletters)
- more than 500KB of JS w/o a user interaction
- any JS served w/o compression or content-length headers
- images that are likely more than 3x the viewport size
- cookie consent dialogs

The EU will be voting on the draconian Chat Control bill on Thursday, June 20th. :blobthinkingeyes:

To all those living in the EU, just letting you know that if you let Chat Control pass, Americans will (at least momentarily) have better digital rights, and I WILL make fun of you for it. :blobcat3csmirk:

i dont listen to anyone who claims climate change is real but owns ocean front properties that by their explanation would be underwater in 20 years

In brown are where the “Far-right” won in France today.

Maybe they aren’t far-right, maybe they are just ordinary people fed up with the hard-left elitists telling them they are racist, extremists and fascists for holding common sense views…
Via @alexharmstrong

I'm a Republican who likes immigrants, who likes people and thinks they add diversity to our country. But I'm for ZERO illegal immigration. If you want to come here, apply and come lawfully or be sent home.

You know who will never mine your private communications to train an LLM?

Better yet, you know whose words you don't need to trust, because you aren't obligated to use any particular server? And the software is open source? And regularly audited by security researchers?


It's not perfect, but no tool is. It's a matter of what trade offs you're willing to accept. Just sayin' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

#Matrix #Slack #OpenSource #FOSS #DigitalSovereignty #Privacy

firefox will now track your searches by default and you'd have no way of knowing they're doing that unless you look for this random blog post on their website:

it does look like you can turn it off at least.

Hello, community!

We need #openhardware with #bluetooth so we can link them it to #MyGNUHealth.
Currently we have @pine64eu smartwatch, but we'd love to integrate scales, glucometers, blood pressure monitors...
Just reply to this toot or send us a message if you know of any device. We'd love to test them!🤗
#GNU #GNUHealth #pinephone #PineTime

I've come to believe that the meaning of life is having kids and raising those kids to become someone at least as good as you.

There's been no pursuit in my entire life I've derived more meaning from, felt more pride in, than being a father and trying to be a great father. It means being a great provider, a great leader, a great teacher, a great protector, and a great partner to my wife. In that sense if I succeed then it'll be the culmination of many of my roles throughout life and it's easy to screw up and be only good, or fair, or bad.

It's a broken postmodern ideology that says having and raising kids is evil, and it's an ideology that I expect to not exist in 50 years because everyone who has it will be dead with no heirs.

Even if I didn't care for myself, my son is half my wife, and my wife is exactly the sort of person I want the future to be filled with.

With everything going on in the world, I take joy from the small things. Today, that happens to be controlling GNOME podcasts on pmOS with my PineTime. Amazing work devs!

Seriously though, is there such a thing as a Linux developer appreciation day?

#pmOS #gnomepodcasts #pinetime

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