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🚨 I'm looking for a person or group to take over the running of I've been running the site since 2017 and I'd like to pass it on. If you're interested please reach out and please boost. 🚨

In response to campus anti-Israel protests, the House is rushing to to vote on a new bill, HR 6090. This new bill would officially define "Antisemitism" so the federal government can sue, prosecute, or sanction more people, businesses, and universities for supposed violations of civil rights law.

I abhor antisemitism, but this bill is flagrantly unconstitutional and an appalling attack on the First Amendment.

This bill would make it illegal to compare Israeli policies to Nazi policies. It would make it illegal to describe Israel as racist. It would make it illegal to accuse an American citizen of being more loyal to Israel than to the United States.

All of those behaviors might be stupid or repugnant, but they are indisputably protected by the First Amendment. Yet now, Congressional Republicans are rushing to gut the First Amendment in order to pass a Europe-style ban on supposed "hate speech."

Rioters should be arrested. Unhinged Israel-hating students who take over buildings and refuse to leave should be expelled.

But I stand with @repthomasmassie: This bill is an affront to the Constitution and must not pass.

I cannot overstate how dangerous to free speech and a healthy democracy it is to redefine all anti-Zionism and criticism of the state of Israel as antisemitism. You know who's loudly critical of Zionism and the Israeli govt? Jews. A lot of Jews.

Would you donate to a college or athletics fund for the middle school girls who banned from their own sport after they were brave enough to refuse to compete against boys?

Bravery should be rewarded. Let’s do something awesome.

The bill is a disgrace and you should seriously question any Republican who supports it. The legislation would in fact label criticism of the Israeli government as “antisemitic.” Any notion that Americans should be legally penalized in any way for criticizing any government — even a foreign government — is just pure madness and un-American in the extreme.

In my opinion, TikTok should not be banned in the USA, even though such a ban may benefit the 𝕏 platform.

Doing so would be contrary to freedom of speech and expression. It is not what America stands for.

what would make you more likely to use a #LinuxMobile device?

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The only way we get rid of abortion as birth control is by winning back the culture. It's a symptom of a society that's so sick it murders babies to solve problems. Until we fix what's wrong the demand to kill babies isn't going to go away, no matter what government does.

@stu We're getting there. I tend to forget how far along #linuxonmobile already came. #phosh is doing a great job (Thank you, #Purism!) and many #Gnome apps already work well on the mobile screen. Kudos to all who made #linuxonmobile what it is today! Amazing!

Chances that #xz gets backdoored again are close to zero. Lasse Collin is the world's best expert to get the code clean again. So I express my support and full trust for xz. Lasse, you have been put in a tough spot by nefarious people and yet you are working very hard to get things fixed. That takes a special kind of person. A kind of person that doesn't hide. A kind of person that cares. You are the shining example of that. My sincere thanks for all your work.

Today is Good Friday. Today we remember the death of our Lord Jesus. Though he committed no sin, he was crucified on a cross for the propitiation of sin in the great exchange, our sins for His righteousness. Today means that no matter what wrongs you have done, they have been paid for in full. We don't deserve it, we didn't earn it, we couldn't pay for it, but He offers it freely if you believe in Him and follow Him.

I pray you know Jesus is real, and He died so that we can live.

It’s incredibly cringy when conservatives get mad at Babylon Bee jokes. They make fun of everyone. They’ve made fun of me like 10 times and I thought it was funny every time. The left isn’t funny anymore because they take themselves way too seriously. We should not make the same mistake. Then we’ll be stuck with humorless nerds on both sides and comedy will be dead completely.


It sounds, on the face of it, as a criminal act, violating the USA's DMCA in circumventing a digital lock.

Why is this only a civil case, and not a criminal one? Has it ever been investigated as a crime? Questions not answered in the article.

Fresh, and updated on CoffeeGeek today: Our comprehensive visual step by step guide to using a Hario V60 coffee brewing system! We've added some history and background to the brewer in this guide.

#pourover #hariov60 #hario #coffee

cc @coffee

@mattwalshshow Yeah, this is insane.

If you don’t even own your family home, what do you own that can’t be taken from you by the government?

What is YunoHost? :yunohost:

YunoHost is a FOSS operating system aiming to simplify server administration and therefore democratize self-hosting while making sure it stays reliable, secure, ethical and lightweight

- Based on Debian, for a trustworthy & familiar base
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- Friendly Web interface, as well as a handy CLI
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@hodgetwins I oppose granting the government the authority to ban TikTok as it will inevitably lead to the misuse of power, resulting in the banning of various other apps and websites.

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