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the disaster recovery plans for quite a lot of companies....

I dare a country music artist to write a song about a parent in Texas losing a child to gun violence.

The only 2 things I want from :

1. watchOS with third-party watchfaces (the only feature keeping me on a Fitbit)

2. IP67 waterproof iPad (I like to read in the bathtub)

Nothing has captured what I feel experiencing my birth country (USA) from afar (Sverige) quite like this essay and poem by LaDonna Witmer, a poet who moved her family to Portugal.

“Resistance is everywhere, it always has been and always will be. Just because someone is not resisting the same way you are does not mean they are not resisting. Being told you are a worthless piece of shit and not believing it is a form of resistance.” —Kathleen Hanna

A reminder that Mastodon and the Fediverse do NOT use cryptocurrency, blockchains, NFTs, tokens, coins, mining, web3 or anything like that.

Masto and the Fedi run on traditional servers and use a sustainable network federation model somewhat similar to e-mail (that's why Fediverse addresses look similar to e-mail addresses).

Also a reminder there are no venture capital firms or other investors either. No one owns the network, each server is independent. Masto and Fedi server running costs are paid by their owners, sometimes with donations from users.

No one is getting rich from the Fediverse, it is all volunteers with some getting donations and a few getting modest grants from foundations. Please remember this when you interact with admins or developers.

(There might be some individual users who post about cryptocurrency/blockchain, but the infrastructure this place runs on doesn't use it at all.)

Tl:dr - Decentralisation does NOT mean cryptocurrency/blockchain


I’m quite tired of cis-het men like Bll Mhr and J Rgn who seek applause in “just asking the questions” but lack the curiosity to seek answers by talking to trans teens and their parents.

Many companies have location-specific internal logos for offices. They often feature a characteristic of the city.

What should the logo for remote workers be?

Initial thoughts:
• globes don’t capture much
• remote = freedom to roam but many don’t
• unbound / not boxed in

Hey conference organizers, Brexit means conferences should no longer be held in London.

Wednesday, 14:00: Ikea has shipped replacement and is not requiring me to return the broken pots! 🪴

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Sunday: Oh yay! I can order nice terracotta pots from Ikea and have them delivered. 🙌

Tuesday, 20:00: They’re here! Time to repot plants! 🥳

Tuesday: 20:10: The pots did not survive shipping. 😞

So sweet that we live in a decade when people can just realize they're gay or bi and just go for it, instead of beating themselves up, and maybe beating others up, over it.…

Does just reducing one’s intake of meat, dairy, and eggs significantly reduce mortality?

Science says yup!

Better for you. Better for the planet.

The Kremlin’s threats that it would take “reciprocal steps” for the “grave mistake” of Sverige & Suomi is fascinating word choice.

Rossiya is the bully without friends whose victims are now besties.

2022-05 update on my financial bets on the future (crowdfunding investments, crowd loans, and non-bullshit cryptocurrency)

I am here for the folktronica and fucking with Putin! ! Yay Ukraïna!

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