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The problem with social media is people. Pundits and the media have created a narrative that only specific sites or specific features (algorithmic feeds, quote tweets, etc) are toxic but this is easily debunked by visiting any online forum without those features and paying attention to the patterns of toxic usage.

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Every family has an uncle Bob. You know, the one who goes on about “socialism” and “freeloaders”.

Here’s your guide to dealing with them this holiday season.

This holiday season, give your family the gift of Mastodon

Merry Crimbo to all my fellow humanists, atheists, agnostics, skeptics, freethinkers, and non-religious folks! 🧑‍🎄 🎄

My preferred default implementation for quote posts on Mastodon would be for quote posts to be allowed, but quoting authors with more followers than the original author would need confirmation to auto-expand the quoted post. It would hinder punching down / ratio-ing.

- We can already link to a post and links to non-Mastodon posts are already shown with a preview.

- Other fediverse servers and clients already support previewing linked/quotes posts.

@MrBerard @Quinnae_Moon I'm beginning to think that "are QTs bad, yes or no?" is the wrong question. A much more interesting question is "how can mastodon implement quote shares that is technically feasible, facilitates the desired use cases, and discourages the undesirable effects?"
Because I don't think that's a super hard question to answer. We can start by looking at how QTs on Twitter differ from "reply/quote on main" implementations on most other social networks.

Every time someone points to new technology and says “wow this will revolutionize the [whatever] industry”, I am reminded of the realization that most industries would see radical improvements applying the best tech of 15 years ago too, and still haven’t. In other words, there is more to the story of change than tech alone.

This post from Tumblr's Ghostonly is the best social media advice I've ever read:

How to have a good internet experience in 8 easy steps

@tokyo_0 @smorreel @taylorlorenz A lot of people here think Mastodon and the Fediverse are one and the same.

Anyway, @Gargron already said he's not going to implement quote boosts:

Point is, if someone really wants to use quote boosts, apps that have that feature exist on the Fediverse. And they're *not* workarounds.

Here's the answer to my question: an extensive (and inconclusive) GitHub issues thread discussing the idea of making quote-posts an opt-in feature

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I haven’t felt this happy and optimistic in many years and it feels really fucking great. 🥰 I can’t wait for 2023! 🙌

The holidays are upon us and gatherings are happening. Here's a quick refresher on what to do if you messed up someone's pronouns.

#LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #RiversidePRIDE #transgender #nonbinary #intersex #genderfluid #genderqueer #agender

Shameless plug for 1Password 

I am once again asking you to stop using LastPass. The company has a history of security issues dating back years, and has yet to make holistic security improvements — or heck even investigate incidents properly.

Good alternatives:

- 1Password is my #1 rec, best for most use cases
- Bitwarden if you want open source
- KeePassXC if you want local vaults and open source
- I hear ok things about Dashlane but don’t know a ton

“I hope a lot that government will not only promote the encryption but will make it even more encrypted than it is now.”

Hear from people living in Ukraine, on how end-to-end encryption is vital for keeping themselves and their loved ones safe in times of war. A film by Global Encryption Coalition.

#saveencryption #e2ee #ukraine #encryption

I just learned Emerson College’s tuition has risen 63% in 15 years to $52k/year and—dear gourds—why would anyone spend $200k on an undergrad degree in liberal arts??

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

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