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Neat. My name is going on a flash drive aboard NASA’s Artemis I, the preparation flight for landing the first woman and the first person of color on the Moon.

At some point a decade ago, I got put erroneously into some database as having worked at Pinterest and have since gotten a myriad of outreach emails from recruiters referencing my “impressive experience” at a company I never worked for.

P.S. You do not have to embrace polyamory to reject toxic monogamy culture.

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Since the show has gotten a minor woke-up call, maybe it can continue on that journey by popularizing teachings from “The Ethical Slut” or, at a minimum, that love is never 0-sum. End the self-torture from toxic monogamy culture.

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Every season of ends with multiple people being heartbroken from not getting picked.

I feel Clayton has been disproportionately criticized for the exact same journey of every season before him simply because he didn’t wait to announce decisions at the rose ceremony. is doing a fundraiser for charities supporting Ukrainian refugees with a Zelensky minifig and Lego molotov cocktail.

So when DST becomes permanent in the US, standard time will be daylight time, but it's non-standard alignment with global time zones, so will people who use EST/PST year round now be always correct or never correct?

Lo-fi chill songs that sample Slack’s ‘knock brush’ notification sound are even worse than excessive iOS noises and phones vibrating on wood tables in tv shows/movies. I AM TRYING TO FOCUS NOT BE TRIGGERED.

I don’t lift heavy things 4 days a week to hide this bod. I need flaunting attire. 💅

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One benefit as an adult from growing up a poor kid is that I don’t have any regretful photos wearing JNCOs with a center-part dick-head haircut.

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I went clothing shopping for the first time in 2 years and why are high waist baggy pants for men en vogue? I know fashion is arbitrary, but this look is timelessly not flattering.

I am still perplexed by LG.

Apple seems to have wanted to get out of the display market in 2016.

It gave LG a red carpet entrance to its ecosystem.

LG released 2 products initially and then ignored the market segment entirely.

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Ordered so fast. It’s not that the Apple Studio Display is amazing, it’s that it is amazing no other capable companies bothered to do this obvious product for years when every Mac user was demanding it.

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Just tell me if the display costs more than a Kia already

After celebration and appreciation, we must listen and take action to advance gender equality for women, trans, nonbinary, and intersex people. There is still much more to do and progress is not guaranteed.

Why were people in the 1980s obsessed with pizza?

I’m pretty sure an inability to sit in chairs actually is a gay trait that is just more noticeable in bisexuals against a backdrop of heteronormativity.

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The best posture while computing apparently is to sit like a bisexual.

Hardware hackers: What would be the best way to go about creating a nice big button that overlays the teeny button on a controller like this:

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