w00t! Finished my #PostmanAPIhack!
Kiva Bingo helps lenders loan to all 76 countries, 15 sectors, and 163 activities Kiva operates in—built entirely in Postman using the Kiva API.
Also, it worked: I had to lend to 5 more activities to demo bingo 😃
Gone like a freight train
Gone like yesterday
Gone like a soldier in the Civil War
Bang bang
Peloton won’t yet sell me a bike in Sverige, but I am proud to have completed 150 strength workouts!
The white-male bias in favor of React.
Reading the results of the #StateOfJS 2020 survey and disappointed that a lot of you are missing out on the awesomeness that is modern Ember.js.
Get out of your React world. It’s not worth it. I’ll never go back.
Republicans are going all Michelle Obama and encouraging Democrats to take the high road.
They have not once called on their own party leadership or members to do the same in the last 4 years.
Also, the high road involves not tolerating abuses of executive power.
I work in tech, fight for digital rights and the environment, kiss dudes, cycle, lift heavy things, and don’t eat animals. Swedish immigrant, US American emigrant. Occasionally shirtless.
🇪🇺 🇸🇪 🏳️🌈
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#APIs #DX #environmentalist #EU #fedi22 #fitness #gay #Interledger #LGBTQ #MobileCoin #Nacka #openSource #plants #privacy #programming #Stockholm #Sverige #tech #technology #webDev #WebMonetization #vegan