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Apple is *really* excited about giving you minor features you already have from non-Apple products and the exact same functionality but made with more Apple parts you don’t really care about anyway.

What are some other examples of biased language in technology other than master/slave, blacklist/whitelist?

“No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them. Nobody is going to teach you your true history, teach you your true heroes, if they know that that knowledge will help set you free.” —Assata Shakur

Are door frames actually strong enough to support me doing pull-ups regularly from them?

Anytime I need to psych myself up to do something badass, I listen to the first 4 songs of @xtina’s “Lotus”.

No need for badassery from me today, but still feelin’ it.

Do I know a single macOS user who has personally encountered malware? I have used macOS since 2001 and worked at a university IT helpdesk. Not a single encounter.

If you are a Black designer and would like to collaborate on a related FitbitOS watchface, DM me.

Can we please stop with the “little dick energy” comments? The size of someone’s penis has nothing to do with the size of their compassion. No need to punch down using body image.

Evergreen tweet:

It’s fine if you like 𝒙. It’s not for me. Not everything has to be for me. It’s fine if it’s for you. You don’t need to tell me why you like 𝒙.

Recruiters at big companies are like, “We use React!! Isn’t that coooool???”

And all I can think about is the giant bespoke slow loading mess their frontend code is.

Remember the joy of getting to play a multimedia CD-ROM in the library?

Sometimes I wake myself up from laughing in a dream. It’s rare, but it happened this morning. I was dreaming of SNL Stefon as a Barry’s instructor describing NY’s best new workout. Thank you subconscious, I needed that start to a day.

I’ve tried to write a thoughtful post about my heartbreak for the US all week, but haven’t been able to. It always ends in tears, an unsaved draft, and more donations that just feel like throwing money at a problem.

I wish I could more than tweet .

I write most of my website content using CommonMark Markdown, but the frequency in which I have to intermix HTML for semantic, accessibility, or functional reasons makes me want a text editor that produces stripped down HTML, like a Dreamweaver WYSIWYG lite experience.

Google Docs has no way to use A4 paper with margins in millimeters at the same time as American English spelling and grammar checking.

This is almost as absurd as still having paper size as a primary constraint for a digital document in 2020.

After epic estimation and forecasting, a coworker referred to me as Jira-miah.

iOS 13.5 finally fixed the Notes app bug where URL hit areas were too large (one line above and below).

I am trying to record spoken versions of the new articles I am writing. Apple Soundtrack Pro was a perfect audio editing app and it doesn’t exist anymore. Audacity won’t record from my USB mic for some reason. I am using Garageband, but it fights me because it was made for music.

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