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Just added 3 new EU alternatives to the US cloud infrastructure companies to

Many of these are OpenStack public cloud providers, which is great, but OpenStack still is not something I can recommend unconditionally.

ICYMI: Cross-site HTTP Referer is gone.

Help fellow bloggers out by adding a meta tag to your blog and URL parameter to your outbound links.

`<meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer-when-downgrade"/>`


More info:

2021-03-21 /now page update

😷 Third wave of the pandemic
💉 No vaccine for us until July, probably
🎄 Holidays & birthdays for 2
☃️ I finally learned to love winter
📷 Snowy Stockholm photos

Is there an OpenAPI Spec doc for WebDAV I can reference?

Someone just wrote me a long email saying “software engineer” is a misnomer and that programmers do not deserve the classification because “real” engineers’ work cannot fail as often as software and programmers do not use scientific principles.

How should I respond?

You want food to be high in fiber, but not taste high in fiber, ya know?

Sometimes the infighting between privacy advocates is more difficult than fighting the surveillance capitalists. Oy…

In case you’re wondering if Google or Facebook, etc., will keep you secure, yes, they will try. In the same way a farmer tries to keep their sheep secure from everything else but their own knife.

Security does not imply safety.


Majority of the European Parliament welcomes the Commission's intention to oblige e-mail, messaging and chat providers to search all private messages for allegedly illegal material and report to the police (#chatcontrol) by 580:76:37.

I made $9 from the 360k visits to my website last year.

Thank you to all the Coil, Flattr, and Brave subscribers. I wish there were more of you.

Want to use cryptocurrency to support artists?

Instead of , try !

➡️ Get a Coil subscription:

➡️ Get paid as a creator by adding a money tag to your work:

Energy efficient & doesn’t reinforce broken IP concepts.

“Wikipedia hosts 1.7 million biographies. Not even 20 % of those are about women. If Wikipedia wants to become the sum of human knowledge, this needs to change. With such a large gender gap, we are far from reaching the goal. International Women’s Day is an important moment to remind ourselves of the gender gap for women and all underrepresented groups and to renew our efforts to close it.”

Is there an equivalent of GCP Cloud Run from public cloud providers?

@resist1984 @booteille @dansup I have seen variations of this post before. Many of the points are out of date and easily discreditable. But I don't care to argue. Be well.

Disinformation infections are a degenerative disease with no known cure.

QAnon is holding my family’s brains hostage and there is no ransom I can pay to set them free.

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