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What is the non-violent alternative to “killer feature”?

My MozFest session proposal got rejected. Happy birthday to me.

Any other conferences want to premier a wild ass idea for how IoT products should be architected for privacy without sacrificing usability?

Request for donation solution recommendations (KoFi, buyMeACoffee, Paypal, Liberapay, etc) 

Republicans are going all Michelle Obama and encouraging Democrats to take the high road.

They have not once called on their own party leadership or members to do the same in the last 4 years.

Also, the high road involves not tolerating abuses of executive power.

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@markosaric Must mean you are doing something right. Feel flattered, then ignore and stay focused. ☺️

Why is it that Republicans only care about unity when they lose?

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Republicans in the House doubling down on Trump support after last week’s failed coup by their party’s members is quite something to watch.

I swear Apple’s grammar check is incorrect 99% of the time. I have lost count of the number of times iOS has autoincorrected “its” to “it’s”.

@yerinalexey @garritfra

The money comes from people who subscribe to a Web Monetization wallet, such as Coil.

@garritfra @yerinalexey

Correct, you would only receive money from people who have a Web Monetization wallet.

@yerinalexey @garritfra

Web Monetization is a proposed W3 standard that allows creators to receive micropayments from consumers based on time spent on a URL. An hour pays out $0.36—far more than ads. Creators can offer ad-free experiences or perks for paying customers. Imgur offers special features for Web Monetized customers. The standard preserves privacy and allows for rewarding creators without establishing a recurring billing agreement with them. Less for creators to manage as well.

@yerinalexey @garritfra

That does not seem relevant. Web Monetization API does not rely on Stripe. (But Stripe is the processor for Coil FWIW.)

@binyamin We can do all of these things. There is always a pipeline of legislation in progress and most of those things can be moved forward in the executive branch alone.

Hitler led a failed coup in 1923. It went unpunished. He then took power in 1933. We must not allow this crime to go unpunished.

An impeachment conviction can have the punishment of being ineligible from seeking office again.

Do it, new Congress.

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Thank you to the majority of Georgian voters for accelerating the death of the Republican party.

@markosaric I like how Firefox has the gift icon and Trello has Taco the dog. When the icons show up, you know there is an update. The icons disappear after viewing.

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