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Someone stop Amazon from putting Alexa into every fucking noun.

How are the peaches in America?

I hear they’re…in.

Apple threw a temper tantrum over its store design being rejected repeatedly by Stockholm city, so the closest store is an hour away.

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Today is going to be one of those days where I keep a space copied to my clipboard and ⌘v between words because Apple shipped a shitty keyboard for the Macbook Pro 18 months ago.

What’s the German word for “there should be a German word for this”?

Every brand’s Instagram and Facebook posts inevitably have customers commenting for support. It’s bizarre people think that is an appropriate place to rant or get product help. It’s unfortunate Facebook hasn’t given companies a way to better deal with that.

Do you help run a federated or decentralised service in Europe -- or know someone who does? Please pass this link on. It's the application to meet politicians to discuss how the EU's copyright filters (Article 13/17) will be implemented. I worry about a backroom deal struck between Facebook/Google that excludes the next generation of open Net services: .. Please speak up!

The only pragmatic option for any hopeful contender challenging the Android—iOS duopoly is to bet on the Web.

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You might say, “I don’t need official apps. Those services have public APIs and I can build a Linux client.” Except for Twitter, I haven’t used a third-party app better than the official app. And many companies—like Fitbit—explicitly prohibit recreation of primary experiences.

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I love what Purism is doing with its Librem phone, but I do not believe native Linux apps are a viable strategy. If Microsoft could not convince major app makers to support Windows Phone with its incredible UWP developer experience, I do not have hope for native Linux apps.

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I still want a Firefox OS tablet with stylus, like a Surface or iPad Pro, running a Firefox-powered Chrome OS with optional developer mode to run VS Code and related Web dev tools. That was a great post that went tragically off the rails suddenly and very fast.

The Hamilton Instrumentals album is an excellent way to enjoy Hamilton while having to write words or code.

@nwallace 1Password has excellent two-factor authentication built-in.

People like to complain about Google AMP for good reasons, but have you tried simply not using Google for search? DuckDuckGo answers 95% of my searches effectively these days—and no AMP!

Emerson classmates who are now screenwriters in Hollywoo, get on this. ✌️

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“The Wellfallen”: A 24 episode, 3 season series on the fictional family at the center of the rise of the religious right in America, their corruption and complicit actions that elect a fascist, and the wild implosion that swings America into democratic socialism.

If you must use gears to represent settings or a developer platform, at least use mechanically correct gears.

Excellent tool for generating them:

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