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JC boosted

This is why it’s important to donate to #opensource. Matrix is in serious trouble. If you use open source, you should contribute - code, money, marketing. All of these are valuable to open source. As a small business owner, I rely on open source but I give back where I can. I host mirrors for #linux distros, I write code (where I can), I help other users.

Original post:

JC boosted

I don't feel as strongly about quote posts as I did in 2018. Personally, I am not a fan, but there is clearly a lot of demand for it. We're considering it.

@killyourfm Totally understandable! There are so many amazing paths we can take in life. Sometimes we should stop rushing forward and take a look around for a little while to appreciate the view. After all, your own battery must be charged before lighting the way for others. 😊

@nixCraft I wrote live to my boot drive and use a suite of handy scripts to craft it exactly as desired. I'm working to clean/sanitize/document the repo and expect to release it soon.

JC boosted

When people travel to the past, they worry about radically changing the present by doing something small.

Few people think that they can radically change the future by doing something small in the present.

This is the only real time travel paradox.

JC boosted

While following a lot of people can populate your Home feed significantly, sometimes people (like me) end up boosting a lot and that can unexpectedly hinder your own experience.

So if you like someone's specific posts and don't want to follow their boosts, you can go to their profile under the [...] button, and select the "Hide boosts from account" button.

There is no algorithm on Mastodon. You have ownership and control over every filtering decision instead of some robot.


JC boosted
JC boosted

Fixed Tv Series Genre View in #Jellyfin on #Roku. Hoping to have it in first release of the new year when Roku reopens submissions.

Can we please just ban lobbyism in the USA already? That's one option I'd love to see on a ballot. What's a drawback? Overt corruption becoming covert corruption?

@ErsatzSavvy @snazzyq I never touch the shifter unless I'm actively shifting gears, but I'm sure people get a good laugh while I instinctively kick at the floorboard several times trying to find the clutch pedal.

Does it annoy your followers if you boost too many messages vs original content?

JC boosted

Okay! 👏

I want to spend the new few months focusing on building an interactive, open source, browser-based KiCAD file viewer.

I'm looking for sponsorship to make that happen, and I'd love if you'd consider it. Here's a link to the details:

Sharing always appreciated 💜

JC boosted
JC boosted
JC boosted

As the year is coming to a close, I've started doing my annual "donate to open source maintainers" round again.

We all use open source software every single day.

Please look carefully at all the software you use daily and consider donating too.
Support the devs you depend on!

@joannablackhart A non-commercial clause and public domain don't sound compatible to me, but I'm sure there are several solid options for you to distribute your material without companies profiting from your work. I'm not an expert with , but perhaps consider CC-BY-NC-ND as a starting point in your search:

JC boosted

Thanks @mntmn for letting me try out the Reform and the Pocket Reform prototype at #HIP22. You are doing some amazing work

JC boosted
When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
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