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JC boosted

A #FediTip I’m just now starting to understand..and it’s so cool! Last week, I created a #PixelFed account (OpenSource Instagram replacement). I can go into any #Mastodon app and follow any Pixelfed account, and see it’s posting activity in my feed!

It works in the reverse as well. I can follow any Masto account on Pixelfed. It’s like being able to follow Facebook, Instagram and Twitter favorites all in one place. Sweet!

@urusan My parents have always had hoarding tendencies, so this resonates with me. They constantly buy things but never discard them for the chance they may have value, and don't put in the effort to sell/donate them. Ex: There are 6 vacuum cleaners in their pantry and my mom just bought herself a new Dyson as a Christmas gift "from her husband" because...? They won't listen to me or seek help, so I've got to see them squander their savings to accrue a pile of expensive waste. 😔

@brandont Can totally relate to stale repo accumulation. I ought to go through all of them, asking "is this fork already merged? Why do I have this? Do I (or will anyone else) care about it?"

@GameDevWitch Star Wars' eye candy & budget with Star Trek's writing.

Don't compare your daily life to someone else's highlight reel. Their struggles lie behind the scenes.

JC boosted

Many of the journalists Elon suspended today on Twitter are here on #Mastodon. Please follow and boost:

Drew Harwell, Washington Post

Donie O’Sullivan, CNN

Steve Herman, VOA

Micah Lee, Intercept

Tony Webster

Matt Binder, Mashable

#freepress #journalism #journalists #news

@innonate Very helpful! Thank you for your hard work! My one feature request would be to include sorting functions e.g. sorting by follower count could assist in discovering companies/organizations, etc.

JC boosted

Finding people to follow on #Mastodon can be hard! We all hear it. We all feel it. Well, I built a little tool for myself to find new people to follow, and in the spirit of getting feedback I'm sharing it with you all here:

#projects #flask #zappa #mongo

JC boosted
JC boosted

“You can find us anywhere you get your podcasts.”

I *adore* this phrase, because it has been like two whole-ass decades and not one single venture capital darling has managed to unseat plain RSS as the distribution method for podcasts. Not one. (And they have really tried!)

Podcasts are just out there, like air. You don’t go to one place to get them; you get them from everywhere and anywhere. You can choose how you want to engage with them and manage them and it is legitimately heartwarming that nothing has ever gotten in the way of that being a fundamental fact.

This is the best of what the web is. It will never have a stock ticker or even a marketing scheme. Most people don’t even know it is there. But it endures (past the many, many attempts by squillionaire corporates to kill it) because of its absolute unshakable utility.

My suggestion: any time you hear “anywhere you get your podcasts”, send a little thanks to RSS for keeping the real web alive.

#RSS #Podcasts #ProtocolsNotProducts

@Ertain Alton Brown has great stage presence. 😊

JC boosted
Mark your calendars, July 13th-16th SFC will be hosting the first annual FOSSY Conference in Portland, OR! A conference dedicated to the communities of people who use, make and love software freedom.
JC boosted

AgonLight Open Source Hardware Retro Computer is captured in KiCad and updated by Olimex #retrocomputer #bbcbasic #z80 #OSHW #embeded will be available for pre-order next week at special Christmas price of EUR 50 for assembled, programmed and tested board

À tout à l’heure

On Mastodon, this is only fitting:
From to 😂

If you desire the freedom to understand what's going on inside your device (or wish to respect the freedom of others to do so), please consider voting with your wallets for open hardware. I'd personally recommend @olimex or Beagleboard, as they are OSHWA-certified.

Raspberrypi Fedi Nonsense 

JC boosted

i.MX8MPlus for MNT Reform is booting a mainline kernel (plus some DSI patches)! Now it's that typical dance again to get the display to actually show something. But tomorrow.

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thread on MNT Reform community contributions. If you want to help, chime in:

JC boosted

There are two types of people in this world:
“Crap, sorry, my computer just died.”
“Hold on, I need to find an outlet because my battery is at 89%.”

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