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I've just discovered that gomuks works pretty well on #SailfishOS. Having a decent matrix client was one of my hangups and now that seems to be solved reasonably enough. Yay terminal! Yay physical keyboard!

@PINE64 - I was waiting (or rather desperately hoping) for a #sailfishos community edition... :blobcat:

Hey, I want to share something with you: Today my parents (70 and 65 years old) installed #FluffyChat on their iPhones for the first time. They have never used Matrix before but they were able to register an account on and start a chat with me by entering my mxid with no advice! My mother said it was easy like in Telegram. 😍

I've always been annoyed, that there is no sane way to use programs on my android phone on my desktop and use the keyboard I'm working at.

Sometimes I want to send off an and just want that dialog of the phone be available on my notebook.

On the just compiled as well as on my notebook.

On my notebook using waypipe called via ssh on my . Chatty showed up on my notebook :).

Sending and receiving works.

We're proud to announce the first episode of the new @thepine64 Community #Podcast, PineTalk.

It's hosted by @Ezra and @linmob, who talk about how they got started with computers, PINE64 and FOSS in general for the first episode.

Go listen at

In other news: Look at this nice family picture.

(I recorded an unboxing video and will publish it tomorrow.)
#LinuxPhones #Librem5 #PinePhone

And I missed it Happy BELATED Community Manager Appreciation Day! To THE best community manager going always AKA @cybette setting a great example over the years no matter what company she was community manager at.

Updating my Jolla phone for the last time - they stopped making software updates after 7 years of support. I thought the battery was dead but it woke up in charger. Sailfish is still the best mobile OS i have used, far ahead of Android and iOS. #sailfishos #jollaphone

When you're too lazy to refill your cup...

(Also using the kirkasvalolamppu - bright light lamp, seems to help this night owl be somewhat more functional during day time)

Better than WhatsApp: Try these Free Software Apps and Services — Free Software Foundation India

You can find me as on #Matrix 😊

#whatsapp #communication #privacy #decentralisation

It says a lot that appeared on Jan 20th 2009 and ran through Jan 20th 2017 and then was a 404 for the next four years. It reappeared this morning.*/https://

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml