Remember, there is no need to #FreeKashmir .. because it is Kashmir that will #FreeIndia
Skin in the Game : How a Monk Ended Rome’s Bloody Gladiator Duels
Without knowing the outcome, Telemachus gave his life for something in which he strongly believed.
We owe a big thank you to the RBI for doing our job for us and pushing the Rupee closer to the dustbin of history.
Together, with teamwork, we can restore sound money* again !
[Video] What both the Left and Right are not telling you about the NRC
Its connection to Kissinger and the UN's Agenda 21
The Zerohedge 2019 Review : Still Bearish !
It will be the very final backstoppers of the status quo regime, the central banking emperors, who will eventually be revealed as fully naked.
#2019 #zerohedge
The Case For Privatizing National Defence (and fully de-funding the military)
Freed from the need to serve citizen consumers as efficiently as possible, nationalised militaries are prone to wasteful behavior and needless troop casualties.
Bharat Karnad : A Decade of Regression and Squandered Opportunities
Modi’s stumble up the steps in Kanpur was symbolic of the country staggering instead of striding confidently into the third decade of the new Century.
GGI : The Bolshevik Revolution was financed by bankers !
The top Communist leaders have never been as hostile to their counterparts in the West, as the rhetoric suggests.
[Video] What’s going on with vaccines in India ?
Bill Gates and his shady vaccines business is killing thousands of Indian kids.
Shoes : a very very short story
I have shoes. My friend has shoes. I suspect you have shoes, too.
Hinduism loves markets – socialism and central authorities are sacrilege
Hinduism is antithetical to authority and centralization. It acknowledges the fact that each individual soul is a repository of knowledge and power.
Ram Rajya is nothing but capitalism
Unlike the socialist BJP manifesto, no Indian scripture or tradition ever called for the confiscation of private property.
Ram Rajya is nothing but capitalism
No Indian scripture or tradition ever calls for the confiscation of private property.
It is time to re-establish the GREAT INDIAN CIVILISATION on the basis of SOUND MONEY*.
*See :
Reject so called "Hindu" hacks like Swamy who are actually followers of that pedophile Lord Keynes.
Let's work towards a REAL #RamRajya !
A Persuasive Case for Open Borders
Immigration is not charity, it's a positive-sum game with benefits in spades.
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